① 求一篇关于上市公司关联交易信息披露的外文翻译,这要涉及到上市公司关联交易即可,谢谢大家啦!
② 求一篇关于公司会计信息披露存在问题以及研究对策的外文文献以及中文翻译
③ 求 关于上市公司关联交易及其信息披露的研究的外文文献2篇。求大神相助~~~在此谢过。
④ 求,关联交易中上市公司利润操纵和信息披露审计问题的外文文献,最好有中文翻译谢谢Q 9 44933962
⑤ 我的毕业论文题目《上市公司非财务信息披露问题研究》,谁告诉我怎么找相关外文文献,翻译成中文3000字
⑥ 请问您有关于《关联交易》相关内容的外文文献么
⑦ 急!!! 谁有《我国上市公司会计信息披露的问题及对策研究》相关的外文文献的原文及翻译
恩 ,没问题的,
⑧ 高分求2篇关于 关联交易 的外文
Affiliate Transactions
The relationship between the state's regulated utilities (such as SoCalGas) and their unregulated, energy-related affiliate companies are subject to rules established by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
These "Affiliate Transaction Rules" address many issues. In response, this web site has been developed to notify interested parties of particular transactions between SoCalGas and certain of its affiliated companies. SoCalGas posts this information in compliance with the CPUC's Decision 97-12-088 issued in December 1997 revised in August 1998 and revised again in December 2006.
With the revision of the Rules being issued in December 2006, Section VI.C requires that each utility subject to the rules have independent audits verifying that the utility is in compliance with the Rules for the last two calendar years ending December 31. These audits must occur on a biennial basis and be concted by CPUC selected auditors. Future Audits of Affiliate Transactions will be made available on the Commission’s Energy Division website. The most recent audit report filed with the CPUC prior to the revision of the Rules is the 2006 Audit of Affiliate Transactions.
⑨ 关联方关系及交易的信息披露 上面翻译成英文 有高手会吗不要用机器啊
Affinity Relationship & Business Information Disclosure
Disclose Affinity Relationship & Business Information