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发布时间:2020-12-14 20:36:06

Ⅰ 英文翻译 谢谢


Ⅱ 关于外汇储备翻译

The foreign exchange reserve in a country financial system functionmainly is "the buffer". The enough foreign exchange reserve indicateda country intervention foreign exchange market and the maintenanceexchange rate ability, it has the certain function to the stableexchange rate; However, if a country foreign exchange reserve scaleoversized, often can suppress the economical growth. Therefore ourcountry should maintain the moderate foreign exchange reserve scale.The multianalysis moderate foreign exchange reserve scale importance,and aimed at the present our country moderate foreign exchange reservescale the research present situation to make a more comprehensivenarration. Key word: International reserve foreign exchange reserve moderatescale China manages the use

Ⅲ 英语新闻翻译


(新华社 北京 2月21日电)—— 上周六,中国再次重申,要在运用外汇储备的过程中努力确保安全性和流动性。中国外交部部长杨洁篪在与美国国务卿希拉里▪克林顿会晤后,对媒体表示:“中国的确运用外汇储备购买了美国国债,中方运用外汇储备的原则是,确保安全性和流动性。”根据美国财政部发布的数据,去年九月份,中国持有的美国国债已达5850亿美元,从而取代日本,成为世界上持有美国国债最多的国家。



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