Ⅰ 有谁知道会计中“借贷”的英文写法
借:Debit ;贷:Credit 就是会计复式记帐法中常用的两个记帐符号“借”和“贷”。所以。“借”的缩写是Dr,“贷”的缩写是Cr。
Ⅱ “融资”的英文怎么说
1.financing 2.finance 3.lout 4.accommodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资专金...finance n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. lout 融资 4. accommodate 融资,供给属...account bought 代购 货物单
Ⅲ 英文 融资 V.怎么说
融资就是筹措资金 collect the money that is needed to pay,可以用动名词 financing 表示。
1.financing 2.finance 3.lout 4.acmodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资金...finance n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. lout 融资 4. acmodate 融资,供给...aount bought 代购 货物单
time financing
[网路销和] non-governmental financing; informal financing; informal finance; private financing;
We will actively encourage healthy development of informal financing.
[网路] supply chain finance; Supply Chain Financing;
Study on Supply Chain Finance Business Models in Commercial Bank and Its Credit Risk Evaluation
融资1000万:absorb a fund of 10,000,000
5%的股份:own 5% of the share
高顿网校为您解答:融资租赁英文为“Financing lease”。更多关于融资租赁的相关问题,欢迎登入高顿网校融资租赁专题!
Three modes of supply chain financing
Three modes of supply chain financing
National social financing stocks and growth
英 [stɔk] 美 [stɑk]
n. 股份,股票; 库存; 树干; 家畜;
adj. 常备的,存货的; 陈旧的;
vt. 提供货物; 备有;
vi. 出新芽; 囤积;
Ⅳ 请教几个有关金融的专业术语英语怎么说
Ⅳ "融资"用英语怎么表达
financing 是个多义词,包括“融资,筹措资金,理财,财内务,资金等容”
所以,可以用financing,但它是名词,使用时前面要加上一个动词,make financing, develop financing program.等!
Ⅵ 融资租赁英文词汇大汇总
包揽租赁:wrap lease --- a lease transaction generally involving a
lease from an investor to an operating lease company
with a sublease by the operating lease company to the
end-user lessee.
报关: custom entry
保管费: custody fee
保管合同: deposit contract
保管凭证: deposit receipt
保管人(保管合同): depositary
保税区: trade free zone
保险: insurance
保险单: policy
保险费: insurance premiums
保险索赔: claim
保险理赔: settling
保险,由A投保:锋蠢insurance to be effected by A
保险由买方自理:insurance to be effected by the Buyers
迅孙保险赔偿金:insurance indemnity
(被)保险人:insured, insurant
保证期: warranty period
报告格式: reporting format
报酬: remuneration
备抵法: allowance methods
被撤销的合同:rescinded contract
背书: endorsement
背书人: endorser
必要的准备时间:the necessary preparation time:
闭口租赁: closed-end lease--a lease transaction that allows the
lessee to "walk away" from the leased property at the
end of the lease term with no liability for increases or
decreases in the expected resial value of the
property. The lessee will still beliable for damage
to the property beyond ordinary wear and tear and
may or may not have a purchase option.
币种: currency
变现: liquidate
变更: modify,modification,amend
标的物: subject matter
表外: off balance sheet
表外融资: off balance sheet financing
表外租赁: off balance sheet lease
表外贷款: off balance sheet loan
不可撤消信用证:irrevocable letter of credit
不完整租赁:broken lease--a financing treated as a lease for、accounting purposes and a loan for tax purposes; also known as an off-balance sheet loan, see-through lease;synthetic lease.
不正当: improper
簿记系统: bookkeeping system
补救措施: remedy
裁定 (法): award
财产: property
财产保险: insurance of property
财务报表: financial statement
财务报告: financial report
财务费用: finance expense
财务会计: financial accounting
财务公司: Capital company
财务收入: finance income
财务年度: fiscal year
财务状况: financial position
财政部: Ministry of Finance
阐明: elucidate
残值: resial value
仓单: warehouse receipt
仓储费 :warehousing charge
仓储合同: warehousing contract
仓储物: stored goods
常规融资租赁:conventional finance lease:
长期负债: long-term liabilities
长期借款: long-term debts
长期投资: long-term investments:
长期应付款:long-term payables
长期资产: long-term assets
超越权限 :ultra vires
城市建设附加费:city development surcharge:
承包人: contractor
总承包人 :general contractor
承担损害赔偿责任:to be liable for damages:
承担违约责任:to be liable for breach of contract
承担责任: be liable therefor
承诺函: commitment letter
承租人: lessee
承揽合同: contract for work
承揽人 :contractor
共同承揽人 :joint constractors
承诺: acceptance
成功的案例:successful story
撤回: withdrawn
撤销: revoke, rescind
抽逃资金: surreptitiously withdrawn funds:
除当事人另有约定的以外 unless parties have agreed otherwise
除法律另有规定外:unless the law provides otherwise
处分: disposal
出卖人: supplier
出让人: transferor
出租 :rental
出租人: lessor
催告: remind
存货人: lor
充分披露原则:full disclosure principle:
存货: inventory
存货盘亏: inventories loss
打包租赁: bundled lease--a lease in which the lossor pays for
taxes, insurance and maintenance on the leased equipment.
代理人: agent
贷款人: lender
贷记: credit
担保: security
担保法: security law
道德义务: moral ty
到期利息: interest e
到期债权: matured claim
等额租金: level payment
第一承运人:first carrier
递变租金: stepped rent --- a lease in which the periodic lease、
、payments are reced and/or increased at some point 、 at the lease term.
递变租金租赁:stepped payment lease:
递减租赁: step-down lease---a lease in which the periodic lease
、 payments are reced at some point in the lease term.
递延资产: deferred assets
递增租赁: step-up lease --- a lease in which the periodic lease 、 payments are increased at some point in the lease 、 term.
抵押担保: encumbrance
调查: survey
调查对象: respondent
定金: deposit
董事会: board of directors
独资企业: single proprietorship
短期租赁: short-term lease--generally, a lease of less than three years.
对承租人的好处:benefits to lessee
对出租人的好处:benefits to lessor
额定股份: authorized shares of stock
额度: quota
恶意串通: malicious conspiracy
法定代表人:legal representative
法定代理人:statutory agent
法定地址: legal address
法律地位平等:equal legal status
法律问题: legal issue
法律约束力:legally binding
法人: fictitious person
发行债券: issuance of bonds
防洪基金: flood prevention surcharge
妨碍租赁的原因:objections to leasing
放弃: migration away from, waive
非法干预: illegally intervene therein
非法目的: illegal objective
非正式出租人:casual lessor--a lessor who is not in the business of 、leasing but who does an occassional lease, primarily 、for the tax benefits of the lease transaction.
废止: to be repealed
费用: expenses
分类帐户: ledger account
分包: subcontract
分配: distribution
风险: risk
定价风险::pricing risk
法律风险::legal risk
收益风险::yield risk
税收风险::tax risk
信贷风险::credit risk
资产风险::asset risk
风险租赁: venture lease
扶贫: poverty relief
扶养义务: an obligation to maintain …
浮动利率: variable rate
浮动利率租赁:floating rate lease--a lease in which the lease
payments may vary from one payment period to
another, particularly when they vary according to
changes in a specified index; variable rate lease.
福利费:welfare expenses
服务租赁: service lease --- a lease in which the lessor provides
complete service, maintenaince and care for the
leased equipment; a maintenance lease; an operating
lease; a gross lease.
复式记帐法:double entry system
附加费: surcharge
附加税: surtax
付款: payment
付款条件: payment term
付款人: payer
负债: liabilities
负责人: responsible person
负债与股东权益之比:debt to net worth
附则: supplementary provisions
干预选择租赁物:interfer in the selection of the leased thing
杠杆租赁: leveraged lease
格式条款: standard clauses
工程勘察、设计、施工 project surveying, design, construction
(xx日)公布:promulgated on …
公开、公平、公正:an open, fair and impartial manner
公允价值: fair value
公证: notarize
根据违约情况:depending on the circumstances of the breach
固定资产: fixed assets
固定资产净值:net fixed assets
固定资产清理:fixed assets in liquidation:
固定资产原价:fixed assets at cost
固定租金租赁:fixed payment lease--a lease in which is the lease
payment remains the same throughout the lease term.
故意隐瞒 :eliberately concealed,willfully conceal
股份上市:initial public offering (IPO)
股利政策:divident policy
广告宣传费:advertising and promotion expenses
国家标准:State standard
国家工商行政管理局:State Administration for Instry and Commerce
国家计划委员会:State Planning Commission:
国家进出口商品检验局 State Administration for Import and Export Commodity Inspection
国家经济贸易委员会:State Commission for Economic and Trade
国家外汇管理局:State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)
国家重大建设工程:major State construction project:
国际会计准则委员会:International Accounting Standard Committee
国库券: treasury bill
过帐记号: post referance
Ⅶ 融资 [róng zī]什么意思近义词和反义词是什么英文翻译是什么
《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典》对融资的解释是:融资是指为支付超过现金的购货款而采取的货币交易手段,或为取得资产而集资物帆所采取的货币手段。 更多→ 融资
Ⅷ 财务分析词汇中的英文对照,谢谢
利息备付率(ICR) Interest Coverage Ratio
偿债备付率(DSCR) Debt-Service Coverage Ratio
资产负债率(LOAR) Loan of Asset Ratio
资本金净利润率(ROE) Return on Equity
息税前利润加折旧和摊销(EBITAD) 你打错了吧,应该是EBITDA
英文是:Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
应付还本付息金额(PD) Payable Debt?
Ⅸ 有谁知道会计中借贷的英文写法谢!
我们常用的短语: 资本借贷:capital loan
根据《申版命记》所说,穷人权应该工作,但你可以通过借贷资助他们,这应该也是慷慨的行为:the poor should be working. But youcan assist them with loans,according to Deuteronomy. And these should be generous.
Ⅹ 金融英语专业术语-D
下面是我整理的 金融英语 专业术语,以供大家学习参考。
D/D (Banker's Demand Draft) 票汇
daily interest 日息
daily limit 每日涨(跌)停板.
date of delivery 交割期.
dealers 批发商.
death and gift tax 遗产和赠与税.
debt of honour 信用借款.
debtor bank 借方银行
decision-making under risk 风险下的决策.
deed 契约.
deed tax 契税.
deferred savings 定期存款
deficit covering 弥补赤字
deficit covering 弥补赤字
deficit covering 弥补赤字
deficit-covering finance 赤字财政
deficit-covering finance 赤字财政
deficit-covering finance 赤字财政
deflation 通货紧缩
deflation 通货紧缩
deflation 通货紧缩
delivery date 交割日
demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀
demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀
demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀
demand shift inflation 需求变动型通货膨胀
demand shift inflation 需求变动型通货膨胀
demand shift inflation 需求变动型通货膨胀
demand-deposit or checking-accounts 活期存款或支票帐户
deposit account 存款帐户
deposit account (D/A) 存款帐户
deposit at call 通知存款
deposit bank 存款银行
deposit money 存款货币
deposit rate 存款利率
deposit turnover 存款周转率
depreciation risks 贬值风险.
derivative deposit 派生存款
derived deposit 派生存款
designated currency 指定货币
deutsche marks (=DM) 西德马克
devaluation of dollar 美元贬值
developer 发展商.
Development Bank 开发银行
development financing 发展融资.
devise 遗赠.
die intestate 死时没有遗嘱.
Diners card 大莱信用卡.
direct exchange 直接汇兑
direct financing 直接融资.
direct hedging 直接套做.
direct leases 直接租赁.
direct taxation 直接税.
discount credit 贴现融资.
discount market 贴现市场
discount on bills 票据贴现.
discount paid 已付贴现额.
discounted cash flow 净现金量
discounting bank 贴现银行
dishonour risks 拒付风险.
disintermediation 脱媒.
distant futures 远期期货.
diversification 分散投资
dividends 红利
document of title 物权单据
documentary collection 跟单托收
Documents against Acceptance,D/A 承兑交单
Documents against Payment,D/P 付款交单
domestic correspondent 国内通汇银行
domestic deposit 国内存款
domestic exchange 国内汇兑
double leasing 双重租赁.
double mortgage 双重抵押.
double option 双向期权.
Dow Jones average 道·琼斯平均数
down payment 首期.
downgrade 降级
downside 下降趋势.
downtick 跌点交易
Dragon card 龙卡.
draw 提款
draw cheque 签发票据.
drawee bank 付款银行
drawing account 提款帐户
al exchange market 双重外汇市场
al trading 双重交易.
e from other funds 应收其他基金款
e to other funds 应付其他基金款
mping 抛售
early warning system 预警系统
easy credit 放松信贷
easy credit 放松信贷
easy credit 放松信贷
economic exposure 经济风险.
efficient portfolio 有效证券组合
electronic accounting machine 电子记帐机
electronic cash 电子现金.
electronic cash register 电子收款机
electronic debts 电子借贷
electronic funds transfer 电子资金转帐.
electronic transfer 电子转帐
emergency tariff 非常关税.
encumbrance 债权(在不动产上设定的债权).
endorsement for collection 托收背书.
engage in arbitrage (to) 套汇
entity n. 单位,整体,个体
entrance fee 申请费.
equalization fund (外汇)平衡基金
equipment leasing services 设备租赁业务
equity portfolio 股票资产.
establishing bank 开证银行
ethics risks 道德风险.
Euro-bank 欧洲银行
Eurocard 欧洲系统卡.
European terms 欧洲标价法
evaluation of property 房产估价.
evasion of foreign currency 逃汇
exception clause 免责条款.
excess insurance 超额 保险 .
exchange adjustment 汇率调整
exchange alteration 更改汇率
exchange arbitrage 外汇套利
exchange bank 外汇银行
exchange broker 外汇经纪人
exchange brokerage 外汇经纪人佣金
exchange business 外汇业务
exchange clearing agreement 外汇结算协定
exchange clearing system 汇结算制
exchange competition 外汇竞争
exchange contract 外汇成交单
exchange control 外汇管制
exchange convertibility 外汇兑换
exchange customs 交易所惯例
exchange depreciation 外汇下降
exchange mping 汇率倾销
exchange mping 汇率倾销.
exchange fluctuations 汇价变动
exchange for forward delivery 远期外汇业务
exchange for spot delivery 即期外汇业务
exchange freedom 外汇自由兑换
exchange loss 汇率损失
exchange parity 外汇平价
exchange position 外汇头寸
exchange position 外汇头寸;外汇动态.
exchange premium 外汇升水
exchange profit 外汇利润
exchange proviso clause 外汇保值条款
exchange quota system 外汇配额制
exchange rate 汇价
exchange rate fluctuations 外汇汇价的波动
exchange rate parity 外汇兑换的固定汇率
exchange rate risks 外汇汇率风险.
exchange reserves 外汇储备
exchange restrictions 外汇限制
exchange risk 外汇风险
exchange risk 兑换风险.
exchange settlement 结汇
exchange speculation 外汇投机
exchange stability 汇率稳定
exchange surrender certificate 外汇移转证
exchange transactions 外汇交易
exchange value 外汇价值
exchange war 外汇战
excise 货物税,消费税.
exercise date 执行日
exercise price, striking price 履约价格,认购价格.
expenditure tax 支出税.
expenditure tax regime 支出税税制.
expenses incurred in the purchase 购买物业开支.
expiration date 到期日
export and import bank 进出口银行
export gold point 黄金输出点
exposure 风险.
external account 对外帐户
extraneous risks 附加险.
extrinsic value 外在价值.