1. 國外開展跨境融資租賃業務到底怎麼做
第一部分:當地法律考量(Local Legal Considerations)
其三、目標國對可能提供給客戶的金融產品(Financing Procts)的種類限制;
其四、承租人無條件支付租金( hell-or-high-water)條款在當地法律中是否可行;
一、外資所有權和公司治理的限制(Foreign Ownership and Mangement Restrictions)
在一些國家,當地法律禁止外資在從事租賃的公司中佔有100%的股份。因而,外國公司必須和當地的公司或個人合作來操作融資租賃,合資企業(joint venture)最為常見。例如,印度(本地股份至少佔25%),印尼(本地股份至少佔25%),菲律賓(本地股份至少佔40%)。這些本地股份規定有時比較含糊,在一些情況下,完全可以消弱它們對公司財務和治理影響。
二、牌照規定(Licensing Requirements)
在另外一些國家,租賃公司是否需要牌照取決於其提供的金融產品。例如,在墨西哥非受監管的公司(non-regulated company)可以操作經營性租賃(operating lease),在當地稱為「純租賃」(pure lease),區別於「融資租賃」(financial lease)。 純租賃和融資租賃的一個重要區別是承租人的期終選擇權。在墨西哥,純租賃包含期終的公平市場價值購買選擇權,但不會是固定價格的選擇權(無論這是名義價格或含有市場因素)。大多數法律專家認為,包含任何固定價格購買選擇權都會導致一個租約變為融資租賃,而融資租賃可能只有那些有牌照的、受監管的融資租賃公司才可提供。同樣的牌照規范適用於其它拉美國家(如哥倫比亞、秘魯、委內瑞拉)。
類似的牌照制度也存在於許多歐洲國家,特別是南歐。例如,在法國經營租賃通常是非受監管的活動。然而,包含承租人固定價格購買選擇權的租賃(在租賃物用於商業時法語叫credit-l,在用於消費叫location avec option d』achat)只能由受「法蘭西銀行」監管的有牌照的公司提供。另外一些國家比利時、西班牙、義大利的牌照制度也或多或少參差不齊。不幸的是,盡管這些國家同為歐盟成員國,在一個國傢具有合法牌照的融資租賃公司並不一定可以在另外的歐盟國家獲得牌照豁免。其中一些國家牌照規定的嚴格和對不符合規定的處罰是不容低估的。
因許多歐盟國家有關牌照的規定不同,如何才能符合諸多國家的不同規定?一個解決方案是在歐盟境內通過一個受歐盟成員國中央銀行監管的銀行來操作。根據《歐盟第二銀行規章》(EU's Second Banking Directive),只要符合條件,受歐盟成員國中央銀行監管的銀行可以為在大多其它歐盟國家融資服務(包括租賃)「頒發通行證」,而不需要符合其它歐盟國家的規定(即跨境經營)。這種「頒發通行證」模式的細節不是本文討論的內容,但有幾點需要指出。首先,作為一個持牌銀行所涉的監管規定繁多,一般比獲得另一個租賃牌照麻煩得多,任何不合規都可能會受到嚴厲處罰。其次,遵行歐盟各國實行的《歐盟第二銀行規章》的條件也不太容易,有時還會產生另外的問題(即,納稅問題)。
三、金融產品的其它提供限制(Other Limitations on Financing Proct Offerings)
四、可執行性問題 (Enforceability Issues)
在許多國家,其制定法沒有像美國《統一商法典》(Uniform Commercial Code)第2A章那樣對動產租賃(personal property leasing)作出規定。在多數情況下,當地法院參照合同法或不動產租賃(real property leasing)的法律來解釋租賃協議和決定租賃協議的可執行性。在許多國家,承租人無條件支付租金( hell-or-high-water)條款或者不可執行或者由法院根據個案情況決定。這在大陸法系國家較常見,包括大多拉美國家和德國。在這些國家,如果出租人違約,或者(更為重要的是)如果租賃物有缺陷或不能達到廠家或賣方所說的質量標准,即使租約含有承租人無條件支付租金( hell-or-high-water)條款,法院也會允許承租人停止支付租金和/或解除租約。這種風險很難控制,值得出租人在業務擴展時仔細衡量。
在一些國家,承租人無條件支付租金( hell-or-high-water)條款只在某些租賃中可執行。例如,在具有英美法源遠的澳大利亞、紐西蘭和若干其它亞太國家,如果一個租約含有承租人購買選擇權條款(大多情況下,甚至是公平市場價值的購買選擇權),該租約會被認為是分期付款購買合同(hire-purchase contract)。在以上一部分國家中,承租人無條件支付租金( hell-or-high-water)條款在租賃合同中可執行,在分期付款購買合同(hire-purchase contract)不可執行。正因為此原因,在這些亞太國家中,租賃合同一般不包含承租人購買選擇權條款。
五、抵押擔保和相關問題(Collateral Security and Related Issues)
許多國家的法律體系類似美國,法律一般認可和保護出租人對租賃物的所有權和(或)允許出租人就融資財產行使第一位的抵押權。如加拿大的《動產擔保法》(Personal Property Security Acts)差不多就是以美國的《統一商法典》第9章為藍本。
在一些因為缺少現行有效的動產擔保法律的國家,地方法律和慣例有時能部分地減少此種風險。還是以墨西哥為例,一般情況下,對於每期的租金承租人會簽署憑出租人指示支付的本票(promissory notes payable to the order of the lessor)。如果有一期租金未付,出租人可以啟動簡易法律程序(summary legal proceedings )(區別於漫長的普通法律程序)向承租人收租金。在簡易法律程序下,出租人有權取得承租人的財產。
最後,評估在目標國的法律下當承租人違約時出租人所能得到的動產擔保法上的救濟和其它相關救濟時,應該考慮到當地有關破產或倒閉的法律(local bankruptcy or insolvency law)規定。眾所周知,這些法律各國差別很大,會使出租人面臨額外的信用和擔保風險。
六、就業和勞動法(Employment and Labor Laws)
七、隱私/資料保護法律(Privacy/Data Protection Laws)
美國政府為了在這方面支持美國公司,與歐盟磋商簽訂了所謂的《安全港協議》(safe-harbor agreement)。在此協議中,美國的公司可以自願採用和公布一項符合歐盟隱私法規定的隱私政策,並向美國商務部登記。歐洲的公司也允許在合規的條件下與美國的「安全港」公司共享客戶和雇員的機密信息。
八、本國出口控制和相關法律法規(Export Control and Related Laws and Regulations)
九、其它法律考量(Other Legal Considerations)
值得注意的是,在一些非英語國家文件可以用英語書就而且有時也經常這樣做。但還是使用當地語言為好,因為在訴訟中,法官理解協議的時候要依靠法庭指定的翻譯。而這種翻譯質量往往參差不齊,法律條款很可能被翻譯得面目全非,造成法官理解的偏差。但很顯然,使用當地語言書就的文件,無論是法定與否,都 會增加額外的商業成本。
2. 鏈上會議是不是騙子
Gnosis Safe生態基金會Safe Foundation正尋求以12.5億美元完成1億美元融資
產業方面,據消息稱,育碧員工仍強烈反對公司的NFT區塊鏈計劃,而此前,育碧推出的NFT平台Ubisoft Quartz也受到眾多游戲玩家的抵制,而法國工會Solidaires Informatique甚至在社交平台上公開指責NFT相關技術是一種「無用的、昂貴的、破壞生態的技術」,甚至在聲明中將之與洗錢等非法行為掛上等號。究其根本,NFT所倡導的資產稀缺性與金融屬性與當下游戲行業主流的公平無壁壘觀點相悖,部分人士認為賺錢性質會直接對游戲的趣味性帶來影響,以育碧公司在《幽靈行動:斷點》中發行的 NFT 道具頭盔為例,玩家需要通過至少600小時的游戲時間才能領取。此外,該模式會吸引眾多投機玩家人為造成游戲內資產的稀缺性。而出於NFT的可交易性,對其的交易與炒作實質上從另一角度提升了游戲費用及游戲門檻。這也不外乎大型PC游戲和主機游戲平台對NFT呈現審慎態度,Steam平台甚至直接推出規定禁止NFT與鏈游,但育碧方同時也表示將會繼續推進NFT游戲計劃,後續NFT在大型游戲的走向仍舊成謎。
Part 1產業動態
Coinbase首席人事官LJ Brock宣布,Coinbase今年計劃在產品、工程和設計團隊擴招多達2000名員工,來擴展現有的產品並構建新產品。
LJ Brock表示,Coinbase還在擴展以包含託管用戶生成內容(如NFT)的產品,同時Coinbase錢包的計劃也「雄心勃勃」,團隊將努力增強其安全性、易用性和可訪問性。
上周,游戲巨頭育碧(Ubisoft Entertainment)與其許多員工圍繞在該公司視頻游戲中採用加密的計劃之間的沖突加劇。2月10日,育碧在給員工的一封郵件中概述了對使用區塊鏈技術的想法。在公司內部留言板上發布的這一聲明引發了數百條來自員工的負面評論。有人說,對於育碧的員工來說,這是「非常尷尬的一天」。自發布育碧Quartz平台以來,該公司一直面臨著粉絲和員工的批評。該平台允許射擊游戲《幽靈行動》(Ghost Recon)的玩家購買和出售某些作為NFT的設備。去年12月,該公司召開了一次員工會議,為這一計劃辯護。此後,盡管內部一片嘩然,該公司仍繼續推進這一計劃。(The Straits Times)
英國世界自然基金會(WWF)在其網站上宣布,它將終止一個旨在通過NFT銷售為保護工作提供資金的項目,因為此舉引發了大量爭議。WWF UK寫道:「我們感謝所有通過購買NFT來慷慨支持我們保護工作的人。我們現在已經與合作夥伴就停止此嘗試達成一致。我們認識到,NFT是一個備受爭議的問題,關於這個新市場,我們都有很多東西需要學習,這就是為什麼我們現在將全面評估這項嘗試的影響,並思考我們如何才能最好地繼續創新,讓我們的支持者參與進來。」 NFT發布原定於2月3日。這些NFT代表了13種瀕危動物物種,如大熊貓、加拉帕戈斯企鵝和克羅斯河大猩猩。該系列總共包括7900個NFT,這與每個物種在野外的實際生存成員數量相對應。據該項目的Discord稱,NFT的鑄造成本在0.05 ETH(約150美元)至0.25 ETH(約750美元)之間,並將在Polygon上鑄造。(The Block)
Part 2政策相關
陀螺科技訊,「元宇宙」首次寫入深圳區政府報告,2022年1月21日福田區八屆人大第二次會議上的政府工作報告中指出 ,要深入實施數字經濟發展三年行動方案,探索建立數字經濟監測評價體系,大力發展數字新基建、數字新科技、數字新智造、數字新金融、數字新文化、數字新商貿六大數字產業,積極引進數字經濟領軍龍頭企業和示範項目,推動區塊鏈、量子信息、類腦智能等未來產業的技術轉化成果加速落地,多領域拓展數字人民幣、元宇宙等技術應用場景,扎實推進深圳數據交易中心建設,打造數字經濟發展新高地。
Part 3技術創新
Part 4投融資情況
2月14日,元宇宙社交平台BUD Technologies, Inc.(以下簡稱「BUD」)宣布完成1500萬美元A+輪融資,本輪融資由啟明創投領投,老股東源碼資本、GGV紀源資本、雲九資本超額跟投,穆棉資本擔任本輪獨家財務顧問。本輪資金將主要用於海外業務研發和增長等方面。
區塊鏈初創公司5ire宣布,已從GEM Global Yield LLC SCS (GGY)獲得1億美元的資本承諾,以尋求IPO申請。此外,在本次注資之前,5ire以1.1億美元估值完成2100萬美元種子輪融資,Alphabit、Marshland Capital、Launchpool Labs、Moonrock Capital等參投。(EconomicTimes.IndiaTimes)
支付和金融基礎設施公司Stronghold宣布推出1億美元投資基金Stronghold Capital,將面向三個核心領域進行投資:被忽視和代表性不足的創始人和基金經理、支付和金融科技生態系統、Web3和區塊鏈生態系統。Stronghold首席執行官兼聯合創始人Tammy Camp將擔任Stronghold Capital的基金經理。
該基金已經通過Maple Finance的DeFi貸款投資Alameda Research,並投資Precursor Ventures,該公司支持有前途的種子階段創新者,並正在尋求投資創始人為女性、LGBTQ+或黑人、土著、有色人種(BIPOC)的公司。Stronghold首席執行官Tammy Camp表示,「Stronghold Capital將創造機會開發新產品和商業模式,從而改善每個人的金融基礎設施。」(Businesswire)
Gnosis Safe生態基金會Safe Foundation正尋求以12.5億美元完成1億美元融資
2 月 16 日,Gnosis Safe 生態基金會 Safe Foundation 正尋求以 12.5 億美元估值完成 1 億美元融資,本輪融資目前已得到 6500 萬美元融資承諾,1kx、Dragonfly Capital、Coinbase Ventures、Blockchain Capital 和 Zee Prime 參投。本輪融資將用於擴大團隊成員,為 Safe Foundation 提供運營資金,並以法定貨幣的形式提供三年的經濟支持。
據悉,本輪融資能否順利完成,取決於 Gnosis 社區 GIP-29(從 Gnosis Ltd 分拆 Gnosis Safe 項目,建立 SafeDAO 並發布 SAFE Token)提案能否順利通過,若提案通過,Gnosis Safe 將建立獨立的 SafeDAO,並創建一個 SAFE Token 來管理 Gnosis Safe 生態系統和基礎設施,同時保護項目的一些關鍵資產,例如 IP、域名和 GitHub 存儲庫;若提案未能通過,本次融資則將無法完成。GIP-29 投票預計將於北京時間 2 月 16 日晚關閉。
Part 5行業應用
尚比亞銀行與非洲大陸的一些同行一樣,希望推出一種數字貨幣,因為它認為這有可能縮小金融排斥差距並降低交易成本。但是,在啟動CBDC之前,央行表示需要了解該研究的結果。央行代理通訊主任Nkatya Kabwe稱,研究結果將成為是否在尚比亞引入央行數字貨幣的政策考慮的一部分。(CoinDesk)
牙買加銀行(The Bank of Jamaica)將在今年很快推出其數字貨幣。牙買加總理安德魯·霍爾尼斯(Andrew Holness)表示,新計劃將為該國的數字支付基礎服務,並促進進一步的計劃,如金融普惠、提高交易速度和降低公民的銀行成本。霍爾尼斯在推特上透露這一消息以及其他幾個即將實施的計劃。「在2021年成功試點後,牙買加銀行將於2022年推出我們自己的數字牙買加元。」 據悉,2021年12月,牙買加銀行表示已成功完成發行2.3億數字牙買加元的試點項目。(Coinquora)
3. 新設外資企業辦理外匯登記證 外匯管理局要一個申請表 下了好幾回外管局都說不對 求那表
http://www.safe.gov.cn/model_safe/laws/law_detail.jsp?ID=80404000000000000,31&id=4 這個是國家外匯管理局這個文件的鏈聯,表格在附件裡面。文件名稱是
4. 誰能給我一份並購融資的英文文獻啊,急!!!!
Automatically translated text:
The definition of lease financing
Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer.
It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial instry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and so the financing for the enterprise credit and secured the main requirement, it is very suitable for SME financing. In addition, the leasing of sheet financing, not reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise liability, does not affect the credit status of enterprises. This multi-channel financing needs of SMEs in terms of it is very beneficial.
Leasing and financing lease of a traditional nature of the difference is: traditional lease to the tenant leasing the use of objects of the time rent, and finance lease financing costs to the tenant occupying the time of rental. The market economy develops to a certain stage and the adaptation of a strong financing, in the 1950s in the United States have a new type of trading, as it adapted to the requirements of modern economic development, in the 60 to 70 the rapid development in the world, and today has become a business update equipment one of the main means of financing, known as the "sunrise instry." China in the early 1980s after the introction of this operational modalities for over 10 years has been the rapid development, compared with developed countries, the advantages of leasing is far from being played out, the market potential is huge.
[Edit] the main characteristics of the leasing
The main characteristics of the leasing is: the ownership of objects as leasing is the lessor in order to control the risk of the tenant rent reimbursement taken a form of ownership, at the end of the contract could eventually be transferred to the lessee, the lease purchase items from lease people choose, maintenance from the tenant responsible for the lessor to provide financial services only. Rent calculation principles are: to lease the lessor objects based on the purchase price, occupied by the lessee to the lessor of funds based on time, according to a mutually agreed rental rates. It is essentially dependent on the traditional leasing financial transactions, is a special kind of financial instruments.
[Edit] the type of lease financing
1. Simple financing lease
Financing lease is a simple, by the lessee choose to purchase the rental property, the lessor on the lease project through risk assessment after the rental lease to the lessee the use of objects. Throughout the lease period the lessee does not enjoy the right to use the title, and is responsible for repair and maintenance of leasing objects. The lessor's lease is good or bad thing without any liability, equipment depreciation in the tenant side.
2. Leveraged lease financing
Leveraged leasing practices similar to syndicated loans, is a specialized leasing to large-scale projects with the tax benefits of lease financing, mainly led by a leasing company as a trunk, and for the lease of a very large project financing. First set up a leasing company from the operation of the main institutions - a project-based fund management company set up projects to provide more than 20% of the total amount of funds, and the remaining part was the main source of funds banks and social absorb idle idle funds, the use of 100 percent enjoy low tax benefits "in the eight Bo" leverage for the leasing project large amount of funds. The remaining financing and leasing practices are basically the same, but because of the complexity of the contract covers a wide range and even greater. As can enjoy tax benefits, operating norms, comprehensive benefits, and recovery of rent safe, low-cost, and are generally used for aircraft, ships, communications equipment and large complete sets of equipment lease financing.
3. Commissioned by the Financial Leasing
Is a way to have the funds or equipment entrusted to non-bank financial institutions in the financing lease, the lessor is also the first client, the second is the trustee of the lessor at the same time. The lessor to accept the client's money or lease of the subject matter, according to the client's written by the client designated for the lessee of the leasing business. In the subject of the lease term lease of the property of the client, the lessor only charges, not to take risks. Such leasing commissioned a major characteristic is not to lease the right to operate the enterprise, "by the right" business. E-commerce is on the lease by lease rental as a business platform.
The second is the lessor or lessee commissioned by the lease purchase of a third person, the lessor under the contract to pay the purchase price, also known as commissioned by the lease purchase financing.
4. Project finance leasing
Lessee to project their own property and to ensure efficiency, and the lessor signed a finance lease contract, the lessor to the lessee of the property and other projects without recourse to the proceeds, we can only rent charged to the project's cash flow and profitability to determine. The seller (that is leasing goods manufacturers) through their holding leasing companies to promote their procts in this way, and expand market share. Communications equipment, medical equipment, transportation equipment, or even the right to operate highway can be used this way. Others, including the return of leasing, also known as sale and leaseback financing leasing; financing to leasing, also known as the financing to leasing.
[Edit] the risk of lease financing
Finance leases from the risk of many uncertain factors, is multifaceted and interrelated, in the full understanding of the operational activities of the characteristics of various risks can be comprehensive, scientific analysis of risks to formulate corresponding measures. The risk of financing leasing main categories as follows:
(1) proct market risks. In the market environment, regardless of the financing lease, loan or investment, as long as the funds used to purchase equipment or to carry out technological transformation, first of all, should consider leasing equipment procts market risks, which need to know to sell the procts, market share rate and occupancy, proct trends in the development of the market, the consumption structure and the mentality of the consumers and consumption capacity. If these factors are not fully understand, the survey are not careful, and may increase the market risk.
(2) financial risks. For the leasing of a financial nature, financial risks throughout the entire business activities. The lessor, the biggest risk is that the lessee is also rent capacity, it has a direct impact on the operation of leasing companies and survival, therefore, the risk of also rent from the project began, it should be cause for concern.
Currency also have risks, especially international payments, methods of payment, payment date, time, the remittance channels and means of payment options improperly, will increase the risk.
(3) Trade risk. For the leasing of a trade properties, the risks of trade negotiations to orders from the acceptance testing there is a risk. The merchandise trade in the modern development of a relatively complete, the community is also supporting the establishment of corresponding institutions and preventive measures, such as a letter of credit, transport insurance, commodity inspection, commercial arbitration and the risk of credit counseling have taken precautions and remedial measures, but because people's awareness and understanding of the risks of different degrees, and some means of a commercial nature, coupled with the inexperience of the management of enterprises and other factors, all of these instruments have not been used, making trade risk still exists.
(4) technical risks. One of the benefits of lease financing before other enterprises is the introction of advanced technology and equipment. In the actual course of the operation, or advanced technology, advanced technology is mature, mature technology for the legal rights and interests of others, is an important risk a technical reasons. Serious, e to technical problems so that equipment in a state of paralysis. Other risks include the economic environment, force majeure, and so on.
[Edit] the accounting treatment of lease financing
[Edit], the tenant on the accounting treatment of lease financing
1, the start of the lease accounting treatment
At the start of the lease, the tenant will usually be the start of the lease rental assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the lower of the two leased assets as recorded value of the minimum lease payments as a long-term payables recorded value, and the difference between the two records is not recognised financing costs. However, if the assets of the leasing assets of the enterprise small proportion of the total, the tenant may be the start of the lease in the minimum lease payment records of assets and long-term rent payments. This time, the "proportional" not usually refers to fixed assets financed by leasing the lessee total assets total less than 30% (including 30%). Under such circumstances, rent for the financing of long-term assets and the determination of the amount e, the tenant may, at its option, which can be used minimum lease payments, and can also be used leasing assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the two in the lower. Then what "leasing the original book value of assets" refers to the start of the lease rental, as reflected in the accounts, the book value of the leased asset.
Lessee in the calculation of the minimum lease payments at the current value, if the lessor that the interest rate implicit in the lease, the lessor should be used as the interest rate implicit in the discount rate, otherwise, shall be stipulated in the lease contract interest rate as the discount rate . If the lessor's interest rate implicit in the lease and rental rates stipulated in the contract are not available, it should be used over the same period interest rates on bank loans as the discount rate. Which is implicit in the lease rates, in the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments and the present value of the unsecured portion of the resial value of the current value of assets and equivalent to the original book value of the discount rate.
2, the initial direct costs of the accounting treatment
Initial direct costs refer to the lease negotiations and the signing of the lease agreement occurred in the course of the lease can be directly attributable to the cost of the project. Lessee in the initial direct costs usually have stamp ty, commission, attorney fees, travel expenses, such as the costs of negotiations. Lessee in the initial direct costs should be recognised as an expense in the current period. Accounts for its handling: debit "management fees" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.
3, no finance charge assessed
In the finance lease, the lessee to the lessor to pay the rent, include the repayment of principal and interest in two parts. Lessee to pay rent, on the one hand to rece long-term payables, on the other hand, while not confirmed by the leasing costs for a certain method to confirm the current financing costs, the first rent (that is, initially matching each rental payment) Under the circumstances, the lease term is the first phase of rent paid no interest, should only rece the long-term payments, not to confirm the current financing costs.
Not sharing in the finance costs, the lessee should be used to calculate certain way. According to the guidelines, the lessee can be used in real interest rates, the straight-line method can also be used and the number of years of combined law. In using the effective interest method, in accordance with the inception of the lease is a lease assets and liabilities are recorded based on the value of different financing costs assessment rate options are also different. No finance charge assessed specific divided into the following types:
(1), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments accounted for the present value of value to the investor and the interest rate implicit in the lease for the discount rate. Under such circumstances, investors should be the interest rate implicit in the lease for the assessment rate.
(2), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments for the present value of recorded value, and to lease contract provides for the interest rate as the discount rate. In such circumstances, should be stipulated in the lease contract as the rate of assessment rates.
(3), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist resial value guarantees and preferential purchase right to choose. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. Financing cost-sharing rate refers to the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments equal to the present value of lease assets in the original book value of the discount rate. In the lessee or related to the leased asset resial value of the third-party security situation, and the similar, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.
(4), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist guaranteed resial value, but there is preferential option to purchase. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. At the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.
(5), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset value accounted for, and the existence of the lessee guaranteed resial value.
Under such circumstances, the cost-sharing should be re-financing rate. Related to the lessee or third parties on the resial value of leased assets as security has been provided or not at the end of the lease renewal and to pay a penalty of circumstances, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to the guaranteed resial value, or to be paid by the breach.
Lessee shall pay each of the rent shall be the amount of rent paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," subjects, credited to "bank" subjects, if payment of rent, which includes compliance costs, At the same time debit should be "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects. At the same time should be recognized in accordance with the current amount of the finance charge, debit "financial costs" subjects, credited the "no finance charge" subjects.
4, the leased asset depreciation Provision
Tenants should finance the lessee Provision for depreciation of fixed assets, should address two main issues:
(1), depreciation policy
Provision for asset depreciation, lease, the tenant should be its own assets Provision line depreciation method. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset security has been provided, should be credited for the amount of depreciation on fixed assets, and the inception of the lease accounting resial value after decting the value of the balance. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset resial value of the security has been provided, the total amount of depreciation should be credited for the start of the lease value of fixed assets recorded.
(2), the depreciation period
Identify the leased asset depreciation period, should be in accordance with the lease contract. If reasonable certainty that the lessee at the end of the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset, the lessee can be identified with all of the assets of the remaining useful life, and should therefore be the start of the lease to lease the remaining useful life of assets as depreciation period; If you can not reasonably determine whether the lease to the lessee at the end of the lease ownership of the assets to be made to the lease period and the remaining useful life of the leased asset in the shorter of the two as the depreciation period.
5, the accounting treatment of compliance costs
Many types of compliance costs, rent for the financing of fixed assets improved expenditure, technical advice and service charges, fees should be increased staff training credited to the extension of sharing costs, debit "long-term prepaid expenses," and "accrued expenses" , "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects, the fixed assets regular maintenance, insurance, etc. can be directly charged to expense in the current period, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank deposits, "wait until the subjects.
6, or the accounting treatment of rent
Since the rent or the amount of uncertainty, unable to adopt a rational approach to its system for sharing, in the actual event, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.
7, at the end of the lease accounting treatment
At the end of lease, the tenant on the lease is usually the disposition of the assets of three circumstances:
(1), the return of the leased asset. Debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," and "accumulated depreciation" subjects, credited "fixed assets - fixed assets financed by leasing all" subjects.
(2), renewable lease concession assets. If the lessee to exercise the right to choose renewable concession, the lease shall be deemed to have been made the presence of the corresponding accounting treatment. If no expiry of renewal, to the lessor under the lease contract to pay a penalty, debit "operating expenses" subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.
(3), stay purchase the leased asset. In the lessee enjoy preferential purchase right to choose, purchase price paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance lease," credited "bank" and other subjects at the same time, will be fixed assets from "all fixed assets financed by leasing" Details Details of the other subjects into subjects.
5. 急求一篇關於中小企業融資的英文文獻,字書10000字左右,萬分感謝
Automatically translated text:
The definition of lease financing
Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer.
It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial instry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and so the financing for the enterprise credit and secured the main requirement, it is very suitable for SME financing. In addition, the leasing of sheet financing, not reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise liability, does not affect the credit status of enterprises. This multi-channel financing needs of SMEs in terms of it is very beneficial.
Leasing and financing lease of a traditional nature of the difference is: traditional lease to the tenant leasing the use of objects of the time rent, and finance lease financing costs to the tenant occupying the time of rental. The market economy develops to a certain stage and the adaptation of a strong financing, in the 1950s in the United States have a new type of trading, as it adapted to the requirements of modern economic development, in the 60 to 70 the rapid development in the world, and today has become a business update equipment one of the main means of financing, known as the "sunrise instry." China in the early 1980s after the introction of this operational modalities for over 10 years has been the rapid development, compared with developed countries, the advantages of leasing is far from being played out, the market potential is huge.
[Edit] the main characteristics of the leasing
The main characteristics of the leasing is: the ownership of objects as leasing is the lessor in order to control the risk of the tenant rent reimbursement taken a form of ownership, at the end of the contract could eventually be transferred to the lessee, the lease purchase items from lease people choose, maintenance from the tenant responsible for the lessor to provide financial services only. Rent calculation principles are: to lease the lessor objects based on the purchase price, occupied by the lessee to the lessor of funds based on time, according to a mutually agreed rental rates. It is essentially dependent on the traditional leasing financial transactions, is a special kind of financial instruments.
[Edit] the type of lease financing
1. Simple financing lease
Financing lease is a simple, by the lessee choose to purchase the rental property, the lessor on the lease project through risk assessment after the rental lease to the lessee the use of objects. Throughout the lease period the lessee does not enjoy the right to use the title, and is responsible for repair and maintenance of leasing objects. The lessor's lease is good or bad thing without any liability, equipment depreciation in the tenant side.
2. Leveraged lease financing
Leveraged leasing practices similar to syndicated loans, is a specialized leasing to large-scale projects with the tax benefits of lease financing, mainly led by a leasing company as a trunk, and for the lease of a very large project financing. First set up a leasing company from the operation of the main institutions - a project-based fund management company set up projects to provide more than 20% of the total amount of funds, and the remaining part was the main source of funds banks and social absorb idle idle funds, the use of 100 percent enjoy low tax benefits "in the eight Bo" leverage for the leasing project large amount of funds. The remaining financing and leasing practices are basically the same, but because of the complexity of the contract covers a wide range and even greater. As can enjoy tax benefits, operating norms, comprehensive benefits, and recovery of rent safe, low-cost, and are generally used for aircraft, ships, communications equipment and large complete sets of equipment lease financing.
3. Commissioned by the Financial Leasing
Is a way to have the funds or equipment entrusted to non-bank financial institutions in the financing lease, the lessor is also the first client, the second is the trustee of the lessor at the same time. The lessor to accept the client's money or lease of the subject matter, according to the client's written by the client designated for the lessee of the leasing business. In the subject of the lease term lease of the property of the client, the lessor only charges, not to take risks. Such leasing commissioned a major characteristic is not to lease the right to operate the enterprise, "by the right" business. E-commerce is on the lease by lease rental as a business platform.
The second is the lessor or lessee commissioned by the lease purchase of a third person, the lessor under the contract to pay the purchase price, also known as commissioned by the lease purchase financing.
4. Project finance leasing
Lessee to project their own property and to ensure efficiency, and the lessor signed a finance lease contract, the lessor to the lessee of the property and other projects without recourse to the proceeds, we can only rent charged to the project's cash flow and profitability to determine. The seller (that is leasing goods manufacturers) through their holding leasing companies to promote their procts in this way, and expand market share. Communications equipment, medical equipment, transportation equipment, or even the right to operate highway can be used this way. Others, including the return of leasing, also known as sale and leaseback financing leasing; financing to leasing, also known as the financing to leasing.
[Edit] the risk of lease financing
Finance leases from the risk of many uncertain factors, is multifaceted and interrelated, in the full understanding of the operational activities of the characteristics of various risks can be comprehensive, scientific analysis of risks to formulate corresponding measures. The risk of financing leasing main categories as follows:
(1) proct market risks. In the market environment, regardless of the financing lease, loan or investment, as long as the funds used to purchase equipment or to carry out technological transformation, first of all, should consider leasing equipment procts market risks, which need to know to sell the procts, market share rate and occupancy, proct trends in the development of the market, the consumption structure and the mentality of the consumers and consumption capacity. If these factors are not fully understand, the survey are not careful, and may increase the market risk.
(2) financial risks. For the leasing of a financial nature, financial risks throughout the entire business activities. The lessor, the biggest risk is that the lessee is also rent capacity, it has a direct impact on the operation of leasing companies and survival, therefore, the risk of also rent from the project began, it should be cause for concern.
Currency also have risks, especially international payments, methods of payment, payment date, time, the remittance channels and means of payment options improperly, will increase the risk.
(3) Trade risk. For the leasing of a trade properties, the risks of trade negotiations to orders from the acceptance testing there is a risk. The merchandise trade in the modern development of a relatively complete, the community is also supporting the establishment of corresponding institutions and preventive measures, such as a letter of credit, transport insurance, commodity inspection, commercial arbitration and the risk of credit counseling have taken precautions and remedial measures, but because people's awareness and understanding of the risks of different degrees, and some means of a commercial nature, coupled with the inexperience of the management of enterprises and other factors, all of these instruments have not been used, making trade risk still exists.
(4) technical risks. One of the benefits of lease financing before other enterprises is the introction of advanced technology and equipment. In the actual course of the operation, or advanced technology, advanced technology is mature, mature technology for the legal rights and interests of others, is an important risk a technical reasons. Serious, e to technical problems so that equipment in a state of paralysis. Other risks include the economic environment, force majeure, and so on.
[Edit] the accounting treatment of lease financing
[Edit], the tenant on the accounting treatment of lease financing
1, the start of the lease accounting treatment
At the start of the lease, the tenant will usually be the start of the lease rental assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the lower of the two leased assets as recorded value of the minimum lease payments as a long-term payables recorded value, and the difference between the two records is not recognised financing costs. However, if the assets of the leasing assets of the enterprise small proportion of the total, the tenant may be the start of the lease in the minimum lease payment records of assets and long-term rent payments. This time, the "proportional" not usually refers to fixed assets financed by leasing the lessee total assets total less than 30% (including 30%). Under such circumstances, rent for the financing of long-term assets and the determination of the amount e, the tenant may, at its option, which can be used minimum lease payments, and can also be used leasing assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the two in the lower. Then what "leasing the original book value of assets" refers to the start of the lease rental, as reflected in the accounts, the book value of the leased asset.
Lessee in the calculation of the minimum lease payments at the current value, if the lessor that the interest rate implicit in the lease, the lessor should be used as the interest rate implicit in the discount rate, otherwise, shall be stipulated in the lease contract interest rate as the discount rate . If the lessor's interest rate implicit in the lease and rental rates stipulated in the contract are not available, it should be used over the same period interest rates on bank loans as the discount rate. Which is implicit in the lease rates, in the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments and the present value of the unsecured portion of the resial value of the current value of assets and equivalent to the original book value of the discount rate.
2, the initial direct costs of the accounting treatment
Initial direct costs refer to the lease negotiations and the signing of the lease agreement occurred in the course of the lease can be directly attributable to the cost of the project. Lessee in the initial direct costs usually have stamp ty, commission, attorney fees, travel expenses, such as the costs of negotiations. Lessee in the initial direct costs should be recognised as an expense in the current period. Accounts for its handling: debit "management fees" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.
3, no finance charge assessed
In the finance lease, the lessee to the lessor to pay the rent, include the repayment of principal and interest in two parts. Lessee to pay rent, on the one hand to rece long-term payables, on the other hand, while not confirmed by the leasing costs for a certain method to confirm the current financing costs, the first rent (that is, initially matching each rental payment) Under the circumstances, the lease term is the first phase of rent paid no interest, should only rece the long-term payments, not to confirm the current financing costs.
Not sharing in the finance costs, the lessee should be used to calculate certain way. According to the guidelines, the lessee can be used in real interest rates, the straight-line method can also be used and the number of years of combined law. In using the effective interest method, in accordance with the inception of the lease is a lease assets and liabilities are recorded based on the value of different financing costs assessment rate options are also different. No finance charge assessed specific divided into the following types:
(1), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments accounted for the present value of value to the investor and the interest rate implicit in the lease for the discount rate. Under such circumstances, investors should be the interest rate implicit in the lease for the assessment rate.
(2), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments for the present value of recorded value, and to lease contract provides for the interest rate as the discount rate. In such circumstances, should be stipulated in the lease contract as the rate of assessment rates.
(3), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist resial value guarantees and preferential purchase right to choose. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. Financing cost-sharing rate refers to the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments equal to the present value of lease assets in the original book value of the discount rate. In the lessee or related to the leased asset resial value of the third-party security situation, and the similar, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.
(4), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist guaranteed resial value, but there is preferential option to purchase. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. At the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.
(5), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset value accounted for, and the existence of the lessee guaranteed resial value.
Under such circumstances, the cost-sharing should be re-financing rate. Related to the lessee or third parties on the resial value of leased assets as security has been provided or not at the end of the lease renewal and to pay a penalty of circumstances, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to the guaranteed resial value, or to be paid by the breach.
Lessee shall pay each of the rent shall be the amount of rent paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," subjects, credited to "bank" subjects, if payment of rent, which includes compliance costs, At the same time debit should be "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects. At the same time should be recognized in accordance with the current amount of the finance charge, debit "financial costs" subjects, credited the "no finance charge" subjects.
4, the leased asset depreciation Provision
Tenants should finance the lessee Provision for depreciation of fixed assets, should address two main issues:
(1), depreciation policy
Provision for asset depreciation, lease, the tenant should be its own assets Provision line depreciation method. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset security has been provided, should be credited for the amount of depreciation on fixed assets, and the inception of the lease accounting resial value after decting the value of the balance. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset resial value of the security has been provided, the total amount of depreciation should be credited for the start of the lease value of fixed assets recorded.
(2), the depreciation period
Identify the leased asset depreciation period, should be in accordance with the lease contract. If reasonable certainty that the lessee at the end of the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset, the lessee can be identified with all of the assets of the remaining useful life, and should therefore be the start of the lease to lease the remaining useful life of assets as depreciation period; If you can not reasonably determine whether the lease to the lessee at the end of the lease ownership of the assets to be made to the lease period and the remaining useful life of the leased asset in the shorter of the two as the depreciation period.
5, the accounting treatment of compliance costs
Many types of compliance costs, rent for the financing of fixed assets improved expenditure, technical advice and service charges, fees should be increased staff training credited to the extension of sharing costs, debit "long-term prepaid expenses," and "accrued expenses" , "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects, the fixed assets regular maintenance, insurance, etc. can be directly charged to expense in the current period, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank deposits, "wait until the subjects.
6, or the accounting treatment of rent
Since the rent or the amount of uncertainty, unable to adopt a rational approach to its system for sharing, in the actual event, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.
7, at the end of the lease accounting treatment
At the end of lease, the tenant on the lease is usually the disposition of the assets of three circumstances:
(1), the return of the leased asset. Debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," and "accumulated depreciation" subjects, credited "fixed assets - fixed assets financed by leasing all" subjects.
(2), renewable lease concession assets. If the lessee to exercise the right to choose renewable concession, the lease shall be deemed to have been made the presence of the corresponding accounting treatment. If no expiry of renewal, to the lessor under the lease contract to pay a penalty, debit "operating expenses" subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.
(3), stay purchase the leased asset. In the lessee enjoy preferential purchase right to choose, purchase price paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance lease," credited "bank" and other subjects at the same time, will be fixed assets from "all fixed assets financed by leasing" Details Details of the other subjects into subjects.
6. 內部控制與銀行融資的關系是怎麼說的,或者有沒有這方面的文獻
Interim Measures on Information Disclosure of Commercial Banks
Order No.6 of the People's Bank of China
May 15, 2002
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 These rules are formulated on the basis of "Law on the People's bank of China of the People's Republic of China" and "Commercial Banking Law of the People's Bank of China", which aim to strengthen market discipline of commercial banks, standardize information disclosure of commercial banks, effectively safeguard legitimate interests of depositors and other stakeholders and promote safe, sound and efficient operation of commercial banks.
Article 2 These rules are to be applied to commercial banks that are established legally within the territory of the People's Republic of China, including domestic commercial banks, wholly foreign funded banks, joint venture banks and branches of foreign banks.
Article 3 Commercial banks should disclose information according to these rules, which are the minimum requirements for commercial banks' information disclosure. While abiding by these rules, commercial banks can disclose more information than what has been required by these rules at their own discretion.
In addition to these rules, listed commercial banks should also conform to relevant information disclosure rules published by regulatory body of the securities instry.
Article 4 Information disclosure of commercial banks should be proceeded consistent with laws and regulations, the uniform domestic accounting rules and relevant rules of the PBC.
Article 5 Commercial banks should disclose information in a standardized fashion, while ensuring authenticity, accuracy, integrity and comparability.
Article 6 Annual financial statements disclosed by commercial banks should be subject to auditing by accounting firms that are certified to be engaged in finance-related auditing.
Article 7 The People's Bank of China is to supervise commercial banks' information disclosure according to relevant laws and regulations.
Chapter II Information to be Disclosed
Article 8 Commercial banks should disclose financial statements, and information on risk management, corporate governance and big events of the year according to these rules.
Article 9 Commercial banks' financial statements should include accounting report, annex and notes to this report and description of financial position.
Article 10 Accounting report disclosed by commercial banks should include balance sheet, statement of income (profit and loss account), statement of owner's equity and other additional charts.
Article 11 Commercial banks should indicate inconsistence between the basis of preparation and the basic preconditions of accounting in their notes to the accounting report.
Article 12 Commercial banks should explain in their notes to the accounting report the important policy of accounting and accounting estimates, including: Accounting standards, accounting year, reporting currency, accounting basis and valuation principles; Type and scope of loans; Accounting rules for investment; Scope and method of provisions against asset losses; Principle and method of income recognition; Valuation method for financial derivatives; Conversion method for foreign currency business and accounting report; Preparation method for consolidated accounting report; Valuation and depreciation method for fixed assets; Valuation method and amortization policy for intangible assets; Amortization policy for long-term deferred expenses; Accounting practice for income tax.
Article 13 Commercial banks should indicate in their notes to the accounting report crucial changes of accounting policy and estimates, contingent items and post-balance sheet items, transfer and sale of important assets.
Article 14 Commercial banks should indicate in their annex and notes to the accounting report the total volume of related party transactions and major related party transactions. Major related party transactions refer to those with trading volume exceeding 30 million yuan or 1% of total net assets of the commercial bank.
Article 15 Commercial banks should indicate in their notes to the accounting report detailed breakdown of key categories in the accounting report, including:
(1) Due from banks by the breakdown of domestic and overseas markets.
(2) Interbank lending by the breakdown of domestic and overseas markets.
(3) Outstanding balance of loans at the beginning and the end of the accounting year by the breakdown of credibility loans, committed loans, collateralized loans and pledged loans.
(4) Non-performing loans at the beginning and end of the accounting year resulted from the risk-based loan classification.
(5) Provisions for loan losses at the beginning and the end of the accounting year, new provisions, returned provisions and write-offs in the accounting year. General provisions, specific provisions and special provisions should be disclosed separately.
(6) Outstanding balance and changes of interest receivables.
(7) Investment at the beginning and the end of the accounting year by instruments.
(8) Interbank borrowing in domestic and overseas markets.
(9) Calculation, outstanding balance and changes of interest payables.
(10) Year-end outstanding balance and other details of off-balance sheet categories, including bank acceptance bills, external guarantees, letters of guarantee for financing purposes, letters of guarantee for non-financing purposes, loan commitments, letters of credit (spot), letters of credit (forward), financial futures, financial options, etc.
(11) Other key categories.
Article 16 Commercial banks should disclose in their notes to the accounting report status of capital adequacy, including total value of risk assets, amount and structure of net capital, core capital adequacy ratio and capital adequacy ratio.
Article 17 Commercial banks should disclose auditing report provided by the appointed accounting firms.
Article 18 Description of financial position should cover the general performance of the bank, generation and distribution of profit and other events that have substantial impact on financial position and performance of the bank.
Article 19 Commercial banks should disclose following risks and risk management details:
(1) Credit risk. Commercial banks should disclose status of credit risk management, credit exposure, credit quality and earnings, including business operations that generate credit risks, policy of credit risk management and control, organizational structure and division of labor in credit risk management, procere and methods of classification of asset risks, distribution and concentration of credit risks, maturity analysis of over-e loans, restructuring of loans and return of assets.
(2) Liquidity risk. Commercial banks should disclose relevant parameters that can represent their status of liquidity, analyze factors affecting liquidity and indicate their strategy of liquidity management.
(3) Market risk. Commercial banks should disclose risks brought by changes of interest rates and exchange rate on the market, analyzing impacts of such changes on profitability and financial positions of the bank and indicating their strategy of market risk management.
(4) Operation risk. Commercial banks should disclose risks brought by flaws and mistakes of internal proceres, staff and system or by external shocks and indicate the integrity, rationality and effectiveness of their internal control mechanism.
(5) Other risks. Other risks that may bring severe negative impact to the bank.
Article 20 Commercial banks should disclose following information on corporate governance:
(1) Shareholders' meeting ring the year.
(2) Members of the board of directors and its work performance.
(3) Members of the board of supervisors and its work performance.
(4) Members of the senior management and their profiles.
(5) Layout of branches and function departments.
Article 21 Chronicle of events disclosed by commercial banks in the year should at least include the following contents:
(1) Names of the ten biggest shareholders and changes ring the year.
(2) Increase or decrease of registered capital, splitting up and merger.
(3) Other important information that is necessary for the general public to know.
Article 22 Information of foreign bank branches is to be collected and disclosed by the primary reporting branch.
Foreign bank branches don't need to disclose information that is only mandated and required for disclosure by institutions with legal person status.
Foreign bank branches should translate into Chinese and disclose the summary of information disclosed by their head offices.
Article 23 Commercial banks need not disclose information of unimportant categories. However, if the omission or misreporting of certain categories or information may change or affect the assessment or judge of the information users, commercial banks should regarded the categories as key information categories and disclose them.
Chapter III Management of Information Disclosure
Article 24 Commercial banks should prepare in Chinese their annual reports with all the information to be disclosed and publish them within 4 month after the end of each accounting year. If they are not able to disclose such information on time e to special factors, they should apply to the People's Bank of China for delay of disclosure at least 15 days in advance.
Article 25 Commercial banks should submit their annual reports to the People's Bank of China prior to disclosure.
Article 26 Commercial banks should make sure that their shareholders and stakeholders could obtain the annual reports on a timely basis.
Commercial banks should put their annual reports in their major operation venue, so as to ensure such reports are readily available for the general public to read and check. The PBC encourage commercial banks to disclose main contents of their annual reports to the public through media.
Article 27 Boards of directors in commercial banks are responsible for the information disclosure. If there is no board of directors in the bank, the president (head) of the bank should assume such a responsibility.
Boards of directors and presidents (heads) of commercial banks should ensure the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the disclosed information and take legal responsibility for their commitments.
Article 28 Commercial banks and their involved staff that provide financial statements with false information or concealing important facts should be punished according to the " Rules on Punishment of Financial Irregularities".
Accounting firms and involved staff that provide false auditing report should be punished according to the "Interim Measures on Finance-related Auditing Business by Accounting Firms".
Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions
Article 29 Commercial banks with total assets below RMB 1 billion or with total deposits below RMB 500 million are exempted from the compulsory information disclosure. However, the People's Bank of China encourages such commercial banks to disclose information according to these rules.
Article 30 The People's Bank of China is responsible for the interpretation of these rules.
Article 31 These rules shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation and are to be applied to all commercial banks except city commercial banks.
City commercial banks should adopt these rules graally from January 1, 2003 to January 1, 2006.
第一章 總 則
第一條 為加強商業銀行的市場約束,規范商業銀行的信息披露行為,有效維護存款人和相關利益人的合法權益,促進商業銀行安全、穩健、高效運行,依據《中華人民共和國中國人民銀行法》、《中華人民共和國商業銀行法》等法律法規,制定本辦法。
第二條 本辦法適用於在中華人民共和國境內依法設立的商業銀行,包括中資商業銀行、外資獨資銀行、中外合資銀行、外國銀行分行。
第三條 商業銀行應按照本辦法規定披露信息。本辦法規定為商業銀行信息披露的最低要求。商業銀行可在遵守本辦法規定基礎上自行決定披露更多信息。
第四條 商業銀行披露信息應當遵守法律法規、國家統一的會計制度和中國人民銀行的有關規定。
第五條 商業銀行應遵循真實性、准確性、完整性和可比性的原則,規范地披露信息。
第六條 商業銀行披露的年度財務會計報告須經獲准從事金融相關審計業務的會計師事務所審計。
第七條 中國人民銀行根據有關法律法規對商業銀行的信息披露進行監督。
第二章 信息披露的內容
第八條 商業銀行應按照本辦法規定披露財務會計報告、各類風險管理狀況、公司治理、年度重大事項等信息。
第九條 商業銀行財務會計報告由會計報表、會計報表附註和財務情況說明書組成。
第十條 商業銀行披露的會計報表應包括資產負債表、利潤表(損益表)、所有者權益變動表及其他有關附表。
第十一條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中說明會計報表編制基礎不符合會計核算基本前提的情況。
第十二條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中說明本行的重要會計政策和會計估計,包括:會計報表編制所依據的會計准則、會計年度、記賬本位幣、記賬基礎和計價原則;貸款的種類和范圍;投資核算方法;計提各項資產減值准備的范圍和方法;收入確認原則和方法;衍生金融工具的計價方法;外幣業務和報表折算方法;合並會計報表的編制方法;固定資產計價和折舊方法;無形資產計價及攤銷政策;長期待攤費用的攤銷政策;所得稅的會計處理方法等。
第十三條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中說明重要會計政策和會計估計的變更;或有事項和資產負債表日後事項;重要資產轉讓及其出售。
第十四條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中披露關聯方交易的總量及重大關聯方交易的情況。
第十五條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中說明會計報表中重要項目的明細資料,包括:
(一) 按存放境內、境外同業披露存放同業款項;
(二) 按拆放境內、境外同業披露拆放同業款項;
(三) 按信用貸款、保證貸款、抵押貸款、質押貸款分別披露貸款的期初數、期末數;
(四) 按貸款風險分類的結果披露不良貸款的期初數、期末數;
(五) 貸款損失准備的期初數、本期計提數、本期轉回數、本期核銷數、期末數;一般准備、專項准備和特種准備應分別披露;
(六) 應收利息余額及變動情況;
(七) 按種類披露投資的期初數、期末數;
(八) 按境內、境外同業披露同業拆入款項;
(九) 應付利息計提方法、余額及變動情況;
(十) 銀行承兌匯票、對外擔保、融資保函、非融資保函、貸款承諾、開出即期信用證、開出遠期信用證、金融期貨、金融期權等表外項目,包括上述項目的年末余額及其他具體情況;
(十一) 其他重要項目。
第十六條 商業銀行應在會計報表附註中披露資本充足狀況,包括風險資產總額、資本凈額的數量和結構、核心資本充足率、資本充足率。
第十七條 商業銀行應披露會計師事務所出具的審計報告。
第十八條 財務情況說明書應當對本行經營的基本情況、利潤實現和分配情況以及對本行財務狀況、經營成果有重大影響的其他事項進行說明。
第十九條 商業銀行應披露下列各類風險和風險管理情況:
(一) 信用風險狀況。商業銀行應披露信用風險管理、信用風險暴露、信貸質量和收益的情況,包括產生信用風險的業務活動、信用風險管理和控制政策、信用風險管理的組織結構和職責劃分、資產風險分類的程序和方法、信用風險分布情況、信用風險集中程度、逾期貸款的賬齡分析、貸款重組、資產收益率等情況。
(二) 流動性風險狀況。商業銀行應披露能反映其流動性狀況的有關指標,分析影響流動性的因素,說明本行流動性管理策略。
(三) 市場風險狀況。商業銀行應披露因市場匯率、利率變動而產生的風險,分析匯率、利率的變化對銀行盈利能力和財務狀況的影響,說明本行的市場風險管理策略。
(四) 操作風險狀況。商業銀行應披露由於內部程序、人員、系統的不完善或失誤,或外部事件造成的風險,並對本行內部控制制度的完整性、合理性和有效性作出說明。
(五) 其他風險狀況。其他可能對本行造成嚴重不利影響的風險因素。
第二十條 商業銀行應披露下列公司治理信息:
(一) 年度內召開股東大會情況;
(二) 董事會的構成及其工作情況;
(三) 監事會的構成及其工作情況;
(四) 高級管理層成員構成及其基本情況;
(五) 銀行部門與分支機構設置情況。
第二十一條 商業銀行披露的本行年度重要事項,至少應包括下列內容:
(一) 最大十名股東名稱及報告期內變動情況;
(二) 增加或減少注冊資本、分立合並事項;
(三) 其他有必要讓公眾了解的重要信息。
第二十二條 外國銀行分行的信息由主報告行匯總後披露。
第二十三條 商業銀行無須披露非關鍵性項目。但若遺漏或誤報某個項目或信息會改變或影響信息使用者的評估或判斷時,商業銀行應將該項目視為關鍵性項目予以披露。
第三章 信息披露的管理
第二十四條 商業銀行應將信息披露的內容以中文編製成年度報告,於每個會計年度終了後的四個月內披露。因特殊原因不能按時披露的,應至少提前十五日向中國人民銀行申請延遲。
第二十五條 商業銀行應將年度報告在公布前報送中國人民銀行。
第二十六條 商業銀行應確保股東及相關利益人能及時獲取年度報告。
第二十七條 商業銀行董事會負責本行的信息披露。未設立董事會的,由行長(單位主要負責人)負責。
第二十八條 對在信息披露中提供虛假的或者隱瞞重要事實的財務會計報告的商業銀行及有關責任人員,按照《金融違法行為處罰辦法》予以處理。
第四章 附 則
第二十九條 資產總額低於10億元人民幣或存款余額低於5億元人民幣的商業銀行,可免於披露信息。中國人民銀行鼓勵此類商業銀行按照本辦法規定披露信息。
第三十條 本辦法由中國人民銀行負責解釋。
第三十一條 本辦法自公布之日起在除城市商業銀行以外的商業銀行范圍內施行。
7. 求翻譯一段融資協議,門外人真的看不懂,或者解釋一下大致內容,幾個專業名詞也行,十分感謝!
2.11 Pro Rata Rights Agreement
\Pro Rata Rights Agreement" means a written agreement between the Com-
pany and the Investor (and holders of other SAFEs, as appropriate) giving
the Investor a right to purchase its pro rata share of private placements of
securities by the Company occurring after the Equity Financing, sub-
ject to customary exceptions. Pro rata for purposes of the Pro Rata Rights
Agreement will be calculated based on the ratio of (a) the number of shares
of capital stock of the Company owned by the Investor immediately prior to
the issuance of the securities to (b) the total number of shares of outstand-
ing capital stock of the Company on a fully diluted basis, calculated as of
immediately prior to the issuance of the securities
2.12 SAFE
\SAFE" means an instrument containing a future right to the Company's
capital stock, similar in form and content to this instrument, purchased by
investors for the purpose of funding the Company's business operations.
2.13 SAFE Preferred Stock
\SAFE Preferred Stock" means the shares of a series of the Company's pre-
ferred stock issued to the Investor in an Equity Financing, which will have
the identical rights, privileges, preferences and restrictions as the shares of
Standard Preferred Stock, other than with respect to the per share
liquidation preference, which will equal the SAFE Price or the
Discount Price (as applicable), as well as price-based antidilution protec-
tion and dividend rights, which will be based on such SAFE Price or the
Discount Price (as applicable).
2.14 SAFE Price
\SAFE Price" means the price per share equal to the quotient obtained by
dividing (i) the Valuation Cap by (ii) either (A) the Company Capitalization
as of immediately prior to the Equity Financing or (B) the capitalization of
the Company used to calculate the price per share of the Standard Preferred
Stock, whichever calculation results in a lower price.
發行證券(b)股份總數 -
\ SAFE價格「是指每股價格等於由此獲得的商
8. 急求一篇關於中小企業融資的英文文獻,要有中文翻譯
Automatically translated text:
The definition of lease financing
Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer.
It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial instry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and so the financing for the enterprise credit and secured the main requirement, it is very suitable for SME financing. In addition, the leasing of sheet financing, not reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise liability, does not affect the credit status of enterprises. This multi-channel financing needs of SMEs in terms of it is very beneficial.
Leasing and financing lease of a traditional nature of the difference is: traditional lease to the tenant leasing the use of objects of the time rent, and finance lease financing costs to the tenant occupying the time of rental. The market economy develops to a certain stage and the adaptation of a strong financing, in the 1950s in the United States have a new type of trading, as it adapted to the requirements of modern economic development, in the 60 to 70 the rapid development in the world, and today has become a business update equipment one of the main means of financing, known as the "sunrise instry." China in the early 1980s after the introction of this operational modalities for over 10 years has been the rapid development, compared with developed countries, the advantages of leasing is far from being played out, the market potential is huge.
[Edit] the main characteristics of the leasing
The main characteristics of the leasing is: the ownership of objects as leasing is the lessor in order to control the risk of the tenant rent reimbursement taken a form of ownership, at the end of the contract could eventually be transferred to the lessee, the lease purchase items from lease people choose, maintenance from the tenant responsible for the lessor to provide financial services only. Rent calculation principles are: to lease the lessor objects based on the purchase price, occupied by the lessee to the lessor of funds based on time, according to a mutually agreed rental rates. It is essentially dependent on the traditional leasing financial transactions, is a special kind of financial instruments.
[Edit] the type of lease financing
1. Simple financing lease
Financing lease is a simple, by the lessee choose to purchase the rental property, the lessor on the lease project through risk assessment after the rental lease to the lessee the use of objects. Throughout the lease period the lessee does not enjoy the right to use the title, and is responsible for repair and maintenance of leasing objects. The lessor's lease is good or bad thing without any liability, equipment depreciation in the tenant side.
2. Leveraged lease financing
Leveraged leasing practices similar to syndicated loans, is a specialized leasing to large-scale projects with the tax benefits of lease financing, mainly led by a leasing company as a trunk, and for the lease of a very large project financing. First set up a leasing company from the operation of the main institutions - a project-based fund management company set up projects to provide more than 20% of the total amount of funds, and the remaining part was the main source of funds banks and social absorb idle idle funds, the use of 100 percent enjoy low tax benefits "in the eight Bo" leverage for the leasing project large amount of funds. The remaining financing and leasing practices are basically the same, but because of the complexity of the contract covers a wide range and even greater. As can enjoy tax benefits, operating norms, comprehensive benefits, and recovery of rent safe, low-cost, and are generally used for aircraft, ships, communications equipment and large complete sets of equipment lease financing.
3. Commissioned by the Financial Leasing
Is a way to have the funds or equipment entrusted to non-bank financial institutions in the financing lease, the lessor is also the first client, the second is the trustee of the lessor at the same time. The lessor to accept the client's money or lease of the subject matter, according to the client's written by the client designated for the lessee of the leasing business. In the subject of the lease term lease of the property of the client, the lessor only charges, not to take risks. Such leasing commissioned a major characteristic is not to lease the right to operate the enterprise, "by the right" business. E-commerce is on the lease by lease rental as a business platform.
The second is the lessor or lessee commissioned by the lease purchase of a third person, the lessor under the contract to pay the purchase price, also known as commissioned by the lease purchase financing.
4. Project finance leasing
Lessee to project their own property and to ensure efficiency, and the lessor signed a finance lease contract, the lessor to the lessee of the property and other projects without recourse to the proceeds, we can only rent charged to the project's cash flow and profitability to determine. The seller (that is leasing goods manufacturers) through their holding leasing companies to promote their procts in this way, and expand market share. Communications equipment, medical equipment, transportation equipment, or even the right to operate highway can be used this way. Others, including the return of leasing, also known as sale and leaseback financing leasing; financing to leasing, also known as the financing to leasing.
[Edit] the risk of lease financing
Finance leases from the risk of many uncertain factors, is multifaceted and interrelated, in the full understanding of the operational activities of the characteristics of various risks can be comprehensive, scientific analysis of risks to formulate corresponding measures. The risk of financing leasing main categories as follows:
(1) proct market risks. In the market environment, regardless of the financing lease, loan or investment, as long as the funds used to purchase equipment or to carry out technological transformation, first of all, should consider leasing equipment procts market risks, which need to know to sell the procts, market share rate and occupancy, proct trends in the development of the market, the consumption structure and the mentality of the consumers and consumption capacity. If these factors are not fully understand, the survey are not careful, and may increase the market risk.
(2) financial risks. For the leasing of a financial nature, financial risks throughout the entire business activities. The lessor, the biggest risk is that the lessee is also rent capacity, it has a direct impact on the operation of leasing companies and survival, therefore, the risk of also rent from the project began, it should be cause for concern.
Currency also have risks, especially international payments, methods of payment, payment date, time, the remittance channels and means of payment options improperly, will increase the risk.
(3) Trade risk. For the leasing of a trade properties, the risks of trade negotiations to orders from the acceptance testing there is a risk. The merchandise trade in the modern development of a relatively complete, the community is also supporting the establishment of corresponding institutions and preventive measures, such as a letter of credit, transport insurance, commodity inspection, commercial arbitration and the risk of credit counseling have taken precautions and remedial measures, but because people's awareness and understanding of the risks of different degrees, and some means of a commercial nature, coupled with the inexperience of the management of enterprises and other factors, all of these instruments have not been used, making trade risk still exists.
(4) technical risks. One of the benefits of lease financing before other enterprises is the introction of advanced technology and equipment. In the actual course of the operation, or advanced technology, advanced technology is mature, mature technology for the legal rights and interests of others, is an important risk a technical reasons. Serious, e to technical problems so that equipment in a state of paralysis. Other risks include the economic environment, force majeure, and so on.
[Edit] the accounting treatment of lease financing
[Edit], the tenant on the accounting treatment of lease financing
1, the start of the lease accounting treatment
At the start of the lease, the tenant will usually be the start of the lease rental assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the lower of the two leased assets as recorded value of the minimum lease payments as a long-term payables recorded value, and the difference between the two records is not recognised financing costs. However, if the assets of the leasing assets of the enterprise small proportion of the total, the tenant may be the start of the lease in the minimum lease payment records of assets and long-term rent payments. This time, the "proportional" not usually refers to fixed assets financed by leasing the lessee total assets total less than 30% (including 30%). Under such circumstances, rent for the financing of long-term assets and the determination of the amount e, the tenant may, at its option, which can be used minimum lease payments, and can also be used leasing assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the two in the lower. Then what "leasing the original book value of assets" refers to the start of the lease rental, as reflected in the accounts, the book value of the leased asset.
Lessee in the calculation of the minimum lease payments at the current value, if the lessor that the interest rate implicit in the lease, the lessor should be used as the interest rate implicit in the discount rate, otherwise, shall be stipulated in the lease contract interest rate as the discount rate . If the lessor's interest rate implicit in the lease and rental rates stipulated in the contract are not available, it should be used over the same period interest rates on bank loans as the discount rate. Which is implicit in the lease rates, in the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments and the present value of the unsecured portion of the resial value of the current value of assets and equivalent to the original book value of the discount rate.
2, the initial direct costs of the accounting treatment
Initial direct costs refer to the lease negotiations and the signing of the lease agreement occurred in the course of the lease can be directly attributable to the cost of the project. Lessee in the initial direct costs usually have stamp ty, commission, attorney fees, travel expenses, such as the costs of negotiations. Lessee in the initial direct costs should be recognised as an expense in the current period. Accounts for its handling: debit "management fees" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.
3, no finance charge assessed
In the finance lease, the lessee to the lessor to pay the rent, include the repayment of principal and interest in two parts. Lessee to pay rent, on the one hand to rece long-term payables, on the other hand, while not confirmed by the leasing costs for a certain method to confirm the current financing costs, the first rent (that is, initially matching each rental payment) Under the circumstances, the lease term is the first phase of rent paid no interest, should only rece the long-term payments, not to confirm the current financing costs.
Not sharing in the finance costs, the lessee should be used to calculate certain way. According to the guidelines, the lessee can be used in real interest rates, the straight-line method can also be used and the number of years of combined law. In using the effective interest method, in accordance with the inception of the lease is a lease assets and liabilities are recorded based on the value of different financing costs assessment rate options are also different. No finance charge assessed specific divided into the following types:
(1), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments accounted for the present value of value to the investor and the interest rate implicit in the lease for the discount rate. Under such circumstances, investors should be the interest rate implicit in the lease for the assessment rate.
(2), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments for the present value of recorded value, and to lease contract provides for the interest rate as the discount rate. In such circumstances, should be stipulated in the lease contract as the rate of assessment rates.
(3), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist resial value guarantees and preferential purchase right to choose. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. Financing cost-sharing rate refers to the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments equal to the present value of lease assets in the original book value of the discount rate. In the lessee or related to the leased asset resial value of the third-party security situation, and the similar, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.
(4), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist guaranteed resial value, but there is preferential option to purchase. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. At the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.
(5), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset value accounted for, and the existence of the lessee guaranteed resial value.
Under such circumstances, the cost-sharing should be re-financing rate. Related to the lessee or third parties on the resial value of leased assets as security has been provided or not at the end of the lease renewal and to pay a penalty of circumstances, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to the guaranteed resial value, or to be paid by the breach.
Lessee shall pay each of the rent shall be the amount of rent paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," subjects, credited to "bank" subjects, if payment of rent, which includes compliance costs, At the same time debit should be "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects. At the same time should be recognized in accordance with the current amount of the finance charge, debit "financial costs" subjects, credited the "no finance charge" subjects.
4, the leased asset depreciation Provision
Tenants should finance the lessee Provision for depreciation of fixed assets, should address two main issues:
(1), depreciation policy
Provision for asset depreciation, lease, the tenant should be its own assets Provision line depreciation method. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset security has been provided, should be credited for the amount of depreciation on fixed assets, and the inception of the lease accounting resial value after decting the value of the balance. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset resial value of the security has been provided, the total amount of depreciation should be credited for the start of the lease value of fixed assets recorded.
(2), the depreciation period
Identify the leased asset depreciation period, should be in accordance with the lease contract. If reasonable certainty that the lessee at the end of the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset, the lessee can be identified with all of the assets of the remaining useful life, and should therefore be the start of the lease to lease the remaining useful life of assets as depreciation period; If you can not reasonably determine whether the lease to the lessee at the end of the lease ownership of the assets to be made to the lease period and the remaining useful life of the leased asset in the shorter of the two as the depreciation period.
5, the accounting treatment of compliance costs
Many types of compliance costs, rent for the financing of fixed assets improved expenditure, technical advice and service charges, fees should be increased staff training credited to the extension of sharing costs, debit "long-term prepaid expenses," and "accrued expenses" , "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects, the fixed assets regular maintenance, insurance, etc. can be directly charged to expense in the current period, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank deposits, "wait until the subjects.
6, or the accounting treatment of rent
Since the rent or the amount of uncertainty, unable to adopt a rational approach to its system for sharing, in the actual event, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.
7, at the end of the lease accounting treatment
At the end of lease, the tenant on the lease is usually the disposition of the assets of three circumstances:
(1), the return of the leased asset. Debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," and "accumulated depreciation" subjects, credited "fixed assets - fixed assets financed by leasing all" subjects.
(2), renewable lease concession assets. If the lessee to exercise the right to choose renewable concession, the lease shall be deemed to have been made the presence of the corresponding accounting treatment. If no expiry of renewal, to the lessor under the lease contract to pay a penalty, debit "operating expenses" subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.
(3), stay purchase the leased asset. In the lessee enjoy preferential purchase right to choose, purchase price paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance lease," credited "bank" and other subjects at the same time, will be fixed assets from "all fixed assets financed by leasing" Details Details of the other subjects into subjects.
9. 外匯管理局網上應用平台
10. 請問美國私募基金是怎樣融資的
私募基金是相對於公募的共同基金而言的一種基金類型。私募基金一般屬於合夥人制的小型私人投資公司,主要投資於公開交易的證券和衍生金融產品,是一種高風險的投機基金。 90年代以來,隨著金融全球化趨勢的加深和各種投資工具的創新,美國私募基金業獲得極大的發展,基金的數量和規模每年都以20%的速度增長,現在已經成為美國金融領域一支成長最快的力量。目前,美國至少有4200家私募基金,資本總額超過3000億美元。
美國的私募基金投資領域廣泛,投資手法多樣。1998年,美國先鋒對沖基金研究公司等機構對美國私募基金的投資策略進行了研究,他們按投資策略的不同將美國的私募基金劃分為16類。但是一般來說,美國的私募基金主要有兩大類:一類是宏觀基金,另一類是相對價值基金。宏觀基金主要利用各國宏觀經濟的不穩定性進行宏觀經濟的不均衡套利活動。宏觀基金收集世界各國的宏觀經濟情況並進行研究,當發現一國的宏觀經濟變數偏離均衡值,便集中資金對目標國的股市、利率、匯率、實物進行大筆的反向操作。當該國宏觀經濟形勢發生變化,資產價格將會大幅貶值,宏觀基金將從中獲得巨額的收益。一般認為宏觀基金風險巨大,其對全球金融體系的破壞性較大,常常被人們指責為金融危機的製造者。宏觀基金的代表是索羅斯領導的著名的量子基金。相對價值基金與宏觀基金不同,它一般不冒較大的市場風險,只對密切相關的證券的相對價格進行投資。由於證券的相對價格差異一般較小,如果不用杠桿效應的話,私募基金就無法取得高額的收益,因此,相對價值基金更傾向於使用高杠桿操作。最著名的相對價值基金是美國的長期資本管理公司(LTCM)。由於LTCM運用高度的杠桿操作,僅僅5 年的時間,這家公司就以投資失敗而告終(LTCM成立於1993年,1994年2月正式開始運營,1998年9月投資徹底失敗)。
美國關於私募基金的相關法令主要包含在1933年頒布的《證券法》、1934年頒布的《證券交易法》、1940年頒布的《投資公司法》和《投資顧問法》內,同時私募基金還受各個州《藍天法》(BlueSky Law)的監管。
根據美國1940年頒布的《投資公司法》的規定,在美國只能設立固定面額證券公司、單位信託投資公司和公開募股管理型公司。但是《證券法》中的D規則卻為私人合夥投資於證券市場設立了第506號「安全港」(Safe Harbor)條款,《證券法》的S規則則為外國人私人證券投資設立了「安全港」條款,這些條款規定符合一定條件的投資者可以不按《投資公司法》規定的三種方式設立合夥制的投資機構。這樣就為美國的私募基金提供了一種繞開金融監管的途徑。
美國的法律規定,投資於私募基金的投資者必須是「有資格的投資者」。所謂「有資格的投資者」是指,個人投資者必須擁有500萬美元以上的證券資產,並且最近兩年的年均收入高於20萬元,或包括配偶的收入高於30萬元;如以法人機構的名義進行投資,則機構的財產至少在100萬美元以上。在1996年9月1日之前,不多於100個「有資格購買者」設立的私募基金不必經過美國證券委員會(SEC)的批准,1996年9月1日後,根據美國的《國民證券市場改革法》(National Securities Markets Improvement Act)的規定,這一人數限制增至500人。同時,SEC允許私募基金吸納擁有2500萬美元以上的機構投資者加入。
私募基金一般由兩類合夥人組成。第一類稱一般合夥人(GeneraI Partner),相當於基金經理,指的是創設基金的個人或團體。一般合夥人處理私募基金的所有交易活動及日常管理。第二類是受限合夥人(Limited Partner)。受限合夥人提供大部分資金但不參與基金的投資活動。在籌劃設立私募基金時,一般合夥人通過與受限合夥人簽訂《合夥人協議》來規定雙方的權利與義務。《合夥人協議》是限制和規范私募基金內部關系的基本文件,一般包含以下一些內容:
8.操作手法多樣,更多地呈現全球化的特徵。私募基金經營機制靈活,沒有短期的利潤指標和確定的資金投向的限制,在投資工具、財務杠桿、投資策略等各個方面也沒有限制,這樣基金經理就能在范圍更廣的投資領域選擇投資戰略,以期獲取長期的高額利潤。私募基金一般運用「對沖」的操作手法,進行反周期交易,也就是說在證券價格下跌時買進,在價格上升時賣出。比如,相對價格債券套利基金(Relative Value Funds)通過從一些相關金融產品定價的微小差異中套利,從而保證在牛市、熊市中都能賺錢。
(4)運用資產組合保險業務(Portfolio Insurance)進行對沖。比如,在購買現有資產組合的買入期權的同時,從投資銀行或保險公司購買保單。