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『壹』 融資英文文獻

融資英文文獻(6000字左右 ) 作者:Justin.Athur.winner。 Commercial Financing Solutions - Think Outside The Bank
July,2007 by Stephen Bush
Commercial financing borrowers are likely to feel that a traditional bank is their best source for business financing. However, because most traditional banks focus on a small number of established instries, non-traditional (non-bank) and non-local commercial lenders should be considered for most commercial financing situations. Therefore the recommended commercial financing strategy (as discussed in this article) is to Think Outside the Bank」.
There are several commercial financing situations in which commercial borrowers will frequently find that non-traditional commercial lenders are better positioned to provide terms that are more advantageous to the commercial borrower: (1) Business cash advance and credit card factoring programs; (2) commercial mortgage loans; and (3) credit card processing programs. In some cases a traditional bank will offer to provide commercial financing but will attach excessively stringent terms and covenants. In other cases a traditional bank will decline the commercial financing outright, perhaps because they do not even provide business financing to the commercial borrower』s particular instry. In either case, the commercial borrower is likely to benefit by Thinking Outside the Bank」.
As I noted in an earlier commercial financing article, in many non-competitive business financing situations it is not unusual for a local traditional bank to impose harsher commercial financing terms than would typically be seen in a more competitive business financing market. Such traditional banks routinely take advantage of a relative lack of other commercial lenders in their local market. An appropriate response by commercial borrowers is to seek out non-bank commercial financing options. It is neither necessary nor wise for commercial borrowers to depend only upon local traditional banks for commercial financing solutions. For most commercial financing situations, a non-local and non-bank commercial lender is likely to provide improved business financing terms because they are accustomed to competing aggressively with other commercial lenders.

Business Cash Advance and Credit Card Receivables Programs

Most businesses that accept credit cards in their business will qualify for a business cash advance with their credit card receivables. Traditional banks will typically be very poor candidates to consider if a business needs assistance with credit card factoring and business cash advances. Because even thriving businesses frequently need more cash than they can borrow from a bank, it can be of critical importance for a business to Think Outside the Bank」 and locate non-traditional lenders to assist with this commercial financing need.

Commercial Mortgage Loans

Two of the most common commercial financing difficulties experienced by commercial borrowers can be avoided if they Think Outside the Bank」. The first commercial financing situation is the prevailing practice of traditional banks to avoid most special purpose properties (such as funeral homes and churches). The second commercial financing situation is the typical practice of most commercial banks to attach balloon and/or recall provisions to their commercial loans (which means that the bank can require early repayment of the commercial loan under various conditions). Both of these undesirable commercial financing situations can usually and easily be avoided by considering a non-traditional and non-bank lender.

Credit Card Processing Programs

The choice of an appropriate credit card processing service can be instrumental in improving the profitability of businesses with a high volume of credit card activity. The analysis of credit card processing providers can be effectively combined with the credit card factoring and credit card receivables process described above. In assessing a business cash advance program, it is frequently possible to simultaneously arrange for a substantial improvement in the merchant』s credit card processing program. Because traditional banks are usually not competitive in providing assistance with credit card factoring, it is equally likely that a non-traditional lender will be the primary source of effective and competitive help with credit card processing.

A closing commercial financing thought: I have written an earlier commercial financing article about commercial lenders to avoid. It should be noted that there are in fact both traditional and non-traditional (non-bank) lenders which should be avoided. So when commercial borrowers Think Outside the Bank」, it is still of critical importance that they are prepared to avoid a wide variety of problematic non-traditional commercial lenders in their search for viable commercial financing, especially when it involves business cash advance (credit card receivables and credit card factoring) programs, credit card processing services and commercial real estate financing.

商業融資的借款人可能會認為,傳統的銀行是他們的最佳來源的商業融資。然而,由於大多數傳統銀行側重於少數設立工業,非傳統(非銀行)和非本地商業銀行應考慮大多數商業融資的情況。因此,建議商業融資戰略(如本文中討論)是跳出本行「 。
有幾個商業融資情況下,商業借款人常常發現,非傳統的商業銀行將能夠更好地提供的條件更有利的商業借款人: ( 1 )商業透支現金和信用卡保理業務程序; ( 2 )商業按揭貸款;和( 3 )信用卡處理程序。在某些情況下,傳統的銀行將提供商業融資,但附加條件過於嚴格和盟約。在其他情況下,傳統的銀行將下降徹底的商業融資,這可能是因為他們甚至不提供商業融資,商業借款人的特定行業。在這兩種情況下,商業借款人可能會受益於銀行外思考「 。


大多數企業認為接受信用卡將在其業務資格的商業現金透支的信用卡應收款。傳統的銀行通常會是非常貧窮的候選人,以考慮是否需要援助業務與保理業務和信用卡業務現金墊款。因為即使是蓬勃發展的企業往往需要更多的現金,他們可以比銀行貸款,它可以是極其重要的商業銀行外的思考「 ,並找到非傳統的貸款,以協助這個商業融資的需要。


兩個最常見的商業融資遇到困難的商業貸款,可避免如果他們認為銀行外「 。第一商業融資情況是普遍存在的做法,傳統的銀行,以避免最特殊用途性質(如殯儀館和教堂) 。第二商業融資的情況是典型的做法,大多數商業銀行的重視氣球和/或召回規定的商業貸款(這意味著銀行可以要求提前償還的商業貸款不同條件下) 。這兩種不良商業融資的情況,通常可以很容易地避免和審議了非傳統和非銀行貸款。

商業融資例3 -比如銀行外


閉幕商業融資認為:我已經寫的早期商業融資文章商業銀行,以避免。應當指出的是,事實上,傳統和非傳統(非銀行)貸款,應加以避免。因此,當借款人跳出商業銀行「 ,它仍然是至關重要的,它們准備,以避免各種問題的非傳統的商業銀行在尋求可行的商業融資,尤其是當它涉及業務現金透支(信用卡應收款和信用卡保理)程序,信用卡處理服務和商業房地產融資。

『貳』 有沒有有關中小企業融資的外文文獻。。中英文都要。。2500字左右

中文:芝加哥(路透通訊社) - 信貸緊縮的驅使下,美國的住房危機似乎已經擊中另一引擎的美國經濟 -- 小企業。

英文:CHICAGO (Reuters) - The credit crunch driven by the U.S. housing crisis appears to have hit another engine of the American economy -- small businesses.
引用務必說明出處,原文版權在yeeyan.com. 而www.twoen.com僅僅做了轉載。

『叄』 求有關互聯網金融對中小企業融資的影響的外文文獻,三篇!


[1]Allen N.Berger,Gregory F.Udell,「Relationship Lending and Lines of Credit in

Small FirmFinance,」Journal of Business,Vol.68,no.3.(1995),pp.351-381.

[2]Aghion,P.,Incomplete contracts approach to financial contracting,Review of

Economics Studies,1992,Vol.59,p473-494.

[3]Albertode,M.&JulioPindado.Determinants of capital structure:new evidence

from Spanish Panel data[J].Journal of Corporate Finance,2001,(7):77-99.


Function Follow Organizational Form?Evidence from the Lending Practices of

Large and Small Banks」,Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System

Working Paper.

[5]Azam,J.P.,B.Biais,M.Dia and C.Mauriel.Informal and Formal Credit Markets

and Credit Rationing in Cote D』Ivoire,Oxford Review of Economic Policy,


[6]Bernanke,B.S.,M.Gerler.Inside the Black Box:The Credit Channel of

Monetary Policy Transmission[J].Journal of Economic


[7]Barbosa,E.&Moraes,C.,Determinants of the Firm』s Capital Structure:the

Case of the Very Small Enterprises,Working Paper from Econpapers,2003,


[8]Barton,S.L.&Gordon,P.J.Corporate strategy and capital structure[J].

Strategic Management Journal,1988,9:623-632.

[9]Baxter,N.D.&Cragg,J.G.Corporate choice among long-term financing

instruments[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,1970,(52):225-235.

[10]Berger,A.N.,Udell,G.F.,RelationshipLending andLinesof Credit in Small

Firm Finance[J],Journal ofBusiness,1995,68,351—382.

[11]Berger,A.N.,Udell,and G.F.The Economics of Small Business Finance:

The Roles of Private Equity and Debts Markets in the Financial Growth

Cycle[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1998,22(6):613-673.137

[12]Berger and Udell,Small Business Credit Availability and Relationship

Lending:The Importance of Bank Organizational Structure[J],Economic


[13]Booth,Laurence,Varouj Aivazian,Asli Demirguckunt&Vojislav Maksimovie.

Capital structures in developing countries[J].Journal of Finance,2001,


[14]Bradley,M.,Jarrell,G.A.,&Kim,E.H.On the existence of an optimal capital

structure:theory and evidence[J].Journal of Finance,1984,(39):857-880.

[15]Brander,J.A.&Lewis,T.R.Oligopoly and financial structure:the limited

liability effect[J].American Economic Review,1986,(76):956-970.

[16]Chang Chun.Capital structure as optimal contract[J].North American Journal

of Economics and Finance,1999,(10):363-385.

[17]Cole,R·A·,Goldberg,L·G·&White,L·J·Cookie-cutter versus character:The

micro structure of small business lending by large and small banks[J]·Journal

of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2004,39,pp227-251.

[18]Collins,J.M.&Sekely,W.S.The relationship of headquarters country and

instry classification to financial structure[J].Financial Management,1983,


[19]David F.Scott,John D.Martin.Instry Influence on Financial Structure[J].

Financila Management,Spring,1975,67-73.

[20]DeAngelo,H.&Masulis,R.Optimal capital structure in corporate and Personal

Taxation.Journal of Financial Economics,1980,(8):3-29.

[21]Durand,David,1952,Cost of Debt and Equity Funds for Business:Trends and

Problems of Measurement,Conference on Research in Business Finance,

National Bureau of Economic Research,New York,p215-247.

[22]Eli Schwartz and J Richard Aronson.1967.Some Surrogate Evidence in

Support of the Concept of Optimal Financial Structure[J].Journal of Finance.


[23]Enunza,VR.Determinants of financial structure in the central American

common market[J].Financial Management,1979,(3):72-77.

[24]Fama,E.&Jensen,M.C.Ageney Problem and resial claims.Journal of Law

and Economics,1983,(26):327-349.

[25]Frank M.Z.,GoyalV.K.Testing the Pecking Order Theory of Capital Structure.138

Journal of Financial Economics,67:217-248,2003.

[26]Gilson,S.Tansaction cost and capital structure choice:evidences from

financially distressed firms[J].Journal of finance,1997,(52):161-195.

[27]Grossman,S.&Hart,O.Corporate financial structure and managerial in

incentives[J].In McCall,J.Ed.The economic of information uncertainty[M].

Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1982:107-137.

[28]Hall,G.,Hutchinson,P.&Michaelas,N.Instry effects on the determinants

of unquoted SMEs』capital structure[J].International Journal of the Economics

of Business,2000,(7):297-312.

[29]Harris,M.&Raviv,A.The theory of capital structure[J].Journal of Finance,


[30]Jensen,M.&Meckling,W.Theory of the firm:managerial behavior,agency

cost and capital structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,


[31]Jordan,J.,Lowe,J.&Taylor,P.Strategy and financial policy in UK small firms

[J].Journal of Business Finance and Accounting,1998,(25):1-27.

[32]Jose Lopez-Gracia&Cristina Aybar-Arias.An empirical approach to the

financial behavior of small and medium sized companies[J].Small Business


[33]Kane,A.,Marcus,A.J.&McDonald,R.L.How big is the tax advantage to

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[34]Kester C W.Capital and ownership structure:A comparison of United States

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[35]Kim W S,Sorensen E H.Evidence on the impact of the agency costs of debt in

corporate debt policy[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1986,


[36]Lee Remmers.Instry and Size as Debt Ratio Determinants in Manufacturing

Internationally[J].Financial Management,summer.,2002(5),67-78.

[37]Long,M.&Maltiz,L.The investment-financing nexus:some empirical

evidence[J].Midland Corporate Finance Journal,1985,(3):53-59.

[38]Marsh,P.The choice between equity and debt:an empirical study[J].Journal of


[39]Mcmillan,J.,Woodruff,C.Interfirm Relationships and Informal Credit in

Vietnam[J].Quaterly Journal of Economics,1999,114(4):1285-1320.

[40]Mian,S.,and C.W...Smith.Accounts Receivable Management Policy:Theory

and Evidence,Journal of Finance,1992,47:169-200.

[41]Ming fang Li&Roy L.S.Environmental dynamism,capital structure and

innovation:an empirical test[J].The International Journal of Organizational


[42]Modigliani,F.&Miller,M.H.The cost of capital,corporation finance and the

theory of investment[J].American Economic Review,1958(58),261-297.

[43]Mreton H.Miller.Debt&Taxes.The Journal of Finance,Vol.XXXII,No.2,

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[45]Myers,S.The capital structure puzzle[J].Journal of Finance,1984,


[46]Myers,S.&Majlu,N.Corporate financing and investment decisions when

firms have information that investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial


[47]Ng,Chee k.,J.K.Smith,R.I.Smith.Evidence on the Determinants of Credit

Terms Used in Interfirm Trade[J].Journal of Finance,1999,(54);1109-1129.

[48]Petersen,M.A.and R.G.Rajan.The Benefits of Lending Relationships:

Evidence from Small Business Data,the Journal of Finance,1994,XLIX,3-37.

[49]Petersen,M.A.and R.G.Rajan.Trade Credit:Theories and Evidence,the

Review of Financial Studies,1997,Vol.10.No 3,661-691.

[50]Piero Sraffa.The Works and Correspondence ofDavid Ricardo:Volume 1[M].

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[51]Rajan,R.G.&Zingales,L.What do we known about capital structure?Some

evidence from international data[J].Journal of Finance,1995,(l):1421-1461.

[52]RobertM Bowen,et al,1982,Evidence on The Existence and Determinants of

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[53]Ross.The determination of financial structure:The incentive signaling

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『肆』 急求有關中小企業融資問題的外文文獻


[1] Allen N Berger, Gregory F Udell. The Economics of Small Business Finance:The Role of Private Equity and Debt Markets in Financial Growth Cycle .Journal of Banking and Finance, 1998, (22) .
[2] Modigliani, F, and Miller, M. h. The cost of capital, corporate finance and the theory of investment .American Economic Review, 1958, (6) :261-297 .
[3] Mallick, R,&Chakrabotty, A. Credit gap in small business: Some New Evidence[J] .Working Paper from Econpapers. 2002, .
[4] OECD. A Framework for the Development and Financing of Dynamic Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Turkey .2005,7, (7) .
[5] Peterson, M,Rajan, R.G. The Benefits of firmcreditor relationship: Evidence from small business data .Journal of Finance, 1994, (49) :3-37 .
[6] SBA. White Paper of Small Business Administration(1998-2000) .the US Government Printing Office, .
[7] Kane,E.J. Accelerating inflation,technological innovation,and the decreasing effectiveness of banking regulation .The Journal of Finance36,355-367. 1981, .
[8] Goss D. Small Business and Society .Routledge. 1991, .
[9] Samuelson L. Evolutionary Games and Equilibrium Selec-tion[M] .1997, .

『伍』 急求關於中小企業融資的外文參考文獻


[1]Allen N.Berger,Gregory F.Udell,「Relationship Lending and Lines of Credit in

Small FirmFinance,」Journal of Business,Vol.68,no.3.(1995),pp.351-381.

[2]Aghion,P.,Incomplete contracts approach to financial contracting,Review of

Economics Studies,1992,Vol.59,p473-494.

[3]Albertode,.&JulioPindado.Determinants of capital structure:new evidence

from Spanish Panel data[J].Journal of Corporate Finance,2001,(7):77-99.


Function Follow Organizational Form?Evidence from the Lending Practices of

Large and Small Banks」,Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System

Working Paper.

[5]Azam,J.P.,B.Biais,M.Dia and C.Mauriel.Informal and Formal Credit Markets

and Credit Rationing in Cote D』Ivoire,Oxford Review of Economic Policy,


[6]Bernanke,B.S.,M.Gerler.Inside the Black Box:The Credit Channel of

Monetary Policy Transmission[J].Journal of Economic


[7]Barbosa,E.&Moraes,C.,Determinants of the Firm』s Capital Structure:the

Case of the Very Small Enterprises,Working Paper from Econpapers,2003,


[8]Barton,S.L.&Gordon,P.J.Corporate strategy and capital structure[J].

Strategic Management Journal,1988,9:623-632.

[9]Baxter,N.D.&Cragg,J.G.Corporate choice among long-term financing

instruments[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,1970,(52):225-235.

[10]Berger,A.N.,Udell,G.F.,RelationshipLending andLinesof Credit in Small

Firm Finance[J],Journal ofBusiness,1995,68,351—382.

[11]Berger,A.N.,Udell,and G.F.The Economics of Small Business Finance:

The Roles of Private Equity and Debts Markets in the Financial Growth

Cycle[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1998,22(6):613-673.137

[12]Berger and Udell,Small Business Credit Availability and Relationship

Lending:The Importance of Bank Organizational Structure[J],Economic


[13]Booth,Laurence,Varouj Aivazian,Asli Demirguckunt&Vojislav Maksimovie.

Capital structures in developing countries[J].Journal of Finance,2001,


[14]Bradley,M.,Jarrell,G.A.,&Kim,E.H.On the existence of an optimal capital

structure:theory and evidence[J].Journal of Finance,1984,(39):857-880.

[15]Brander,J.A.&Lewis,T.R.Oligopoly and financial structure:the limited

liability effect[J].American Economic Review,1986,(76):956-970.

[16]Chang Chun.Capital structure as optimal contract[J].North American Journal

of Economics and Finance,1999,(10):363-385.

[17]Cole,R·A·,Goldberg,L·G·&White,L·J·Cookie-cutter versus character:The

micro structure of small business lending by large and small banks[J]·Journal

of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2004,39,pp227-251.

[18]Collins,J.M.&Sekely,W.S.The relationship of headquarters country and

instry classification to financial structure[J].Financial Management,1983,


[19]David F.Scott,John D.Martin.Instry Influence on Financial Structure[J].

Financila Management,Spring,1975,67-73.

[20]DeAngelo,H.&Masulis,R.Optimal capital structure in corporate and Personal

Taxation.Journal of Financial Economics,1980,(8):3-29.

[21]Durand,David,1952,Cost of Debt and Equity Funds for Business:Trends and

Problems of Measurement,Conference on Research in Business Finance,

National Bureau of Economic Research,New York,p215-247.

[22]Eli Schwartz and J Richard Aronson.1967.Some Surrogate Evidence in

Support of the Concept of Optimal Financial Structure[J].Journal of Finance.


[23]Enunza,VR.Determinants of financial structure in the central American

common market[J].Financial Management,1979,(3):72-77.

[24]Fama,E.&Jensen,M.C.Ageney Problem and resial claims.Journal of Law

and Economics,1983,(26):327-349.

[25]Frank M.Z.,GoyalV.K.Testing the Pecking Order Theory of Capital Structure.138

Journal of Financial Economics,67:217-248,2003.

[26]Gilson,S.Tansaction cost and capital structure choice:evidences from

financially distressed firms[J].Journal of finance,1997,(52):161-195.

[27]Grossman,S.&Hart,O.Corporate financial structure and managerial in

incentives[J].In McCall,J.Ed.The economic of information uncertainty[M].

Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1982:107-137.

[28]Hall,G.,Hutchinson,P.&Michaelas,N.Instry effects on the determinants

of unquoted SMEs』capital structure[J].International Journal of the Economics

of Business,2000,(7):297-312.

[29]Harris,M.&Raviv,A.The theory of capital structure[J].Journal of Finance,


[30]Jensen,M.&Meckling,W.Theory of the firm:managerial behavior,agency

cost and capital structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,


[31]Jordan,J.,Lowe,J.&Taylor,P.Strategy and financial policy in UK small firms

[J].Journal of Business Finance and Accounting,1998,(25):1-27.

[32]Jose Lopez-Gracia&Cristina Aybar-Arias.An empirical approach to the

financial behavior of small and medium sized companies[J].Small Business


[33]Kane,A.,Marcus,A.J.&McDonald,R.L.How big is the tax advantage to

debt[J].Journal of Finance,1984,(39):841-853.

[34]Kester C W.Capital and ownership structure:A comparison of United States

and Japanese manufacturing corporations[J].FinancialManagement,1986(15):


[35]Kim W S,Sorensen E H.Evidence on the impact of the agency costs of debt in

corporate debt policy[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1986,


[36]Lee Remmers.Instry and Size as Debt Ratio Determinants in Manufacturing

Internationally[J].Financial Management,summer.,2002(5),67-78.

[37]Long,M.&Maltiz,L.The investment-financing nexus:some empirical

evidence[J].Midland Corporate Finance Journal,1985,(3):53-59.

[38]Marsh,P.The choice between equity and debt:an empirical study[J].Journal of


[39]Mcmillan,J.,Woodruff,C.Interfirm Relationships and Informal Credit in

Vietnam[J].Quaterly Journal of Economics,1999,114(4):1285-1320.

[40]Mian,S.,and C.W...Smith.Accounts Receivable Management Policy:Theory

and Evidence,Journal of Finance,1992,47:169-200.

[41]Ming fang Li&Roy L.S.Environmental dynamism,capital structure and

innovation:an empirical test[J].The International Journal of Organizational


[42]Modigliani,F.&Miller,M.H.The cost of capital,corporation finance and the

theory of investment[J].American Economic Review,1958(58),261-297.

[43]Mreton H.Miller.Debt&Taxes.The Journal of Finance,Vol.XXXII,No.2,

May 1977,pp.261~275.

[44]Myers,S.C.,Determinants of corporate borrowing[J].Journal of Financial


[45]Myers,S.The capital structure puzzle[J].Journal of Finance,1984,


[46]Myers,S.&Majlu,N.Corporate financing and investment decisions when

firms have information that investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial


[47]Ng,Chee k.,J.K.Smith,R.I.Smith.Evidence on the Determinants of Credit

Terms Used in Interfirm Trade[J].Journal of Finance,1999,(54);1109-1129.

[48]Petersen,M.A.and R.G.Rajan.The Benefits of Lending Relationships:

Evidence from Small Business Data,the Journal of Finance,1994,XLIX,3-37.

[49]Petersen,M.A.and R.G.Rajan.Trade Credit:Theories and Evidence,the

Review of Financial Studies,1997,Vol.10.No 3,661-691.

[50]Piero Sraffa.The Works and Correspondence ofDavid Ricardo:Volume 1[M].

Cambridge:AtThe University Press,1951.

[51]Rajan,R.G.&Zingales,L.What do we known about capital structure?Some

evidence from international data[J].Journal of Finance,1995,(l):1421-1461.

[52]RobertM Bowen,et al,1982,Evidence on The Existence and Determinants of

Inter-Instry Differences in Leverage[J].Financial Management.Winter:


[53]Ross.The determination of financial structure:The incentive signaling

approach,Bell Journal of Economics,1977,Vol.8,p23-40.[54]Saring,Oded H...Bargaining with a Corporation and the Capital Structure of

Bargaining Firm[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,(17).

[55]Scott,J.H.Bankruptcy,secured debt and optimal capital structure[J].Journal

of Finance,1977,(32):1-19.

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『陸』 急求有關中小企業融資方面的英文文獻及翻譯,英文實詞在3000字以上。。。

Small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in the development of county economy and social progress. At present the county small and medium-sized enterprise in our city, the vast majority of private enterprises or joint-stock enterprises, their development is rapid, employment, market expansion ability to live, in the promotion of economic growth, promote new rural construction, deepening social specialization of proction and so on, is playing an indispensable positive role, has become an important part of county economy. At present, the small and medium-sized enterprise in development also faces many difficulties and problems, such as the policy environment is not perfect, entrepreneurial threshold is high, market access and exit mechanism is not perfect, the social service system lags behind, to encourage and support small and medium-sized enterprise policy is still a lack of appropriate supporting measures and so on, of which, the financing is one of the most restricts the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
At present, the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly displays in: the financial market is not perfect, according to the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises financing, the financing channel is narrow; ② because the small and medium-sized enterprise credit rating is low, the lack of collateral assets, financing costs are relatively high, it is difficult to obtain financial institutions funding support; the lagging construction of the service system for small and medium-sized enterprises, especially the credit system is relatively weak, credit guarantee institutions commercialization degree is low; the objective benefits of financial services to small and medium enterprises is relatively poor, the impact of the financial institutions to small and medium enterprises service proct development, institutional arrangement of banks and the financing needs of SMEs do not match; 5. Quite a number of technological innovation in small and medium enterprises is not active enough, the low level of management, credit consciousness is weak, enterprise system construction lags behind the pace of enterprise development, and so on, all make SMEs face into long puzzled.
Causes of the difficult financing of small and medium-sized enterprises are in many aspects, both institutional obstacles, and the service is not in place; both for historical reasons, and practical effect; both factors of external environment is not easy, and small and medium-sized enterprises development issues. Therefore, to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, must be multi-pronged, strengthen guidance, improve service, integrated propulsion.

First, deepen reform, establish and improve the promotion of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises financial system
With the development of market economy, the role of SMEs in the economic and social development in the increasingly prominent. Compared with the city, large enterprises, small and medium enterprises in the capital, information, personnel, technology, management and many aspects of disadvantage. Through deepening the reform of the financial system, accelerate the establishment of the small and medium-sized enterprise especially financial support system of small and medium-sized enterprises of the county, the active support of state-owned commercial banks from the instry access, risk control, compensation mechanism, credit orientation, network layout and so on, is inclined to the county small and medium-sized enterprises, to help SMEs to expand financing channels. After more than ten years of financial system reform, China has initially established a modern financial system of pluralism, however in the four major state-owned commercial banks as the core of the financial system, the service mainly for large state-owned enterprises, the small and medium-sized enterprise credit is only the "sideline". Relying on the big banks to solve the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises mode means the financing costs and high cost in theory, thus suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises limited. Therefore, from a long-term point of view, it is necessary to set up special SME credit bank, dedicated to provide credit services for small and medium-sized enterprises. The establishment of specialized SME credit mechanism, ways are possible is to create special SME bank restructuring in the city commercial banks, urban and rural credit cooperatives and other regional banks basis, give full play to its "based on the local, local service, characteristic service" advantage, financing to provide credit support to small and medium-sized enterprises. At present, the city commercial banks and credit cooperatives development strategy and the convergence of state-owned commercial banks, market positioning fuzzy, strongly and state-owned commercial banks compete for the big city, big corporate customers. From its own management ability and market segmentation perspective, city commercial banks and credit cooperatives should adjust development strategy, small and medium-sized enterprises as the main target market, considering the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprise loan hidden costs high, countries should strengthen guidance, given appropriate subsidies, mobilize the enthusiasm of the small and medium-sized enterprise credit mechanism. At the same time, through the reform of public finance system, and further to support the small and medium-sized enterprise development, as an important task of the construction of public finance, establish and perfect the tax, including funds, financing a series of policies and measures to support, increase support for small and medium-sized enterprise funds, alleviate the financing difficulties of smes.
Two, as the initiative, improve the level of financial services to small and medium-sized enterprises
At present, small and medium-sized enterprises in market access, the choice of instry, instry standards, proct quality, legal protection, financial support and social services in all aspects of the increasingly high demand, more and more urgent, which put forward higher requirements for the development of services for small and medium-sized enterprises. The bank as the main channel for external financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, need to pay attention to the small and medium-sized enterprise financing in the current reform of state-owned banks. The state-owned commercial banks must be the idea innovation. We should dialectically treat the relationship between big, in, small business loans, truly code of conct to benefit as the center, step out to firm size, ownership form as a misunderstanding of loan basis. To the small and medium-sized enterprise reasonable demand for capital should make no exception, graally increase the proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises credit support. In accordance with the national instrial policy to determine the loans to small and medium enterprises to properly delegated approval authority, the small and medium-sized enterprise liquidity loans, revised enterprises credit rating standards, the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprise loan

『柒』 急求一篇中小企業融資難的外文文獻 (翻譯成漢字後3000字左右)

Bank Market Power and SME Financing
Bangor Business School

F. Udell
Indiana University Bloomington - Department of

University of Granada - Department of Economic
Theory and History

June 1, 2006


『捌』 企業融資外文文獻以及翻譯

[1] Perotti, E. Vesnaver, L. Enterprise finance and investment in listed Hungarian firms[J]. Journal of Comparative Economics, 2004, 32(1): 73-87.
[2] Chen, G. Cole, J. The myths, facts, and theories of ethnic, small-scale enterprise financing[J]. The Review of Black Political Economy, 1988, 16(4): 111-123.

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『玖』 哪位英語達人幫我翻譯一個關於中小企業融資的外文文獻吧!1

傳統的智慧認為不足的中小企業融資是植根於"供方"功能很大程度上。 就是金融機構的運作的方式對提供中小企融資偏見 ; 作為結果很多銀行及其它財務機構成為中涉及與中小型企業不感興趣。 傳統視圖中突出顯示多個因素,可能會限制金融機構。 若要開始,因為它們很難確定公司是否有能力 (既有可行的項目) 的薪酬和/或 (由於向道德風險) 支付意願的 opaque.Opaqueness 意味著中小企融資難。 此 opaqueness 特別是削弱貸款從想從事更非人格化的機構或手臂長度融資的需要努力,目標和透明的信息。 第二,相對於大的公司中小企是更容易不拘特別在發展中國家。 這不僅使 opaqueness 糟糕的卻也帶來了更多的障礙和風險中小企業 lending.8,例如,銀行不能借給中小型企業,更會保證公司不會報告可靠地他們全面金融活動對其財務 statements.9 再說,如果 informality 表示該公司有 unrecorded 或有高級負債政府和自己的員工。 面對這種風險: 稅和/或勞動部門可能會導致這類責任具體化,銀行會借少為中小型企業或收取更高的風險溢價。

(不好意思,有些詞不會翻譯。- -~~)

『拾』 急求一篇關於中小企業融資的英文文獻,要有中文翻譯

Automatically translated text:
The definition of lease financing
Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer.

It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial instry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and so the financing for the enterprise credit and secured the main requirement, it is very suitable for SME financing. In addition, the leasing of sheet financing, not reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise liability, does not affect the credit status of enterprises. This multi-channel financing needs of SMEs in terms of it is very beneficial.

Leasing and financing lease of a traditional nature of the difference is: traditional lease to the tenant leasing the use of objects of the time rent, and finance lease financing costs to the tenant occupying the time of rental. The market economy develops to a certain stage and the adaptation of a strong financing, in the 1950s in the United States have a new type of trading, as it adapted to the requirements of modern economic development, in the 60 to 70 the rapid development in the world, and today has become a business update equipment one of the main means of financing, known as the "sunrise instry." China in the early 1980s after the introction of this operational modalities for over 10 years has been the rapid development, compared with developed countries, the advantages of leasing is far from being played out, the market potential is huge.

[Edit] the main characteristics of the leasing
The main characteristics of the leasing is: the ownership of objects as leasing is the lessor in order to control the risk of the tenant rent reimbursement taken a form of ownership, at the end of the contract could eventually be transferred to the lessee, the lease purchase items from lease people choose, maintenance from the tenant responsible for the lessor to provide financial services only. Rent calculation principles are: to lease the lessor objects based on the purchase price, occupied by the lessee to the lessor of funds based on time, according to a mutually agreed rental rates. It is essentially dependent on the traditional leasing financial transactions, is a special kind of financial instruments.

[Edit] the type of lease financing
1. Simple financing lease

Financing lease is a simple, by the lessee choose to purchase the rental property, the lessor on the lease project through risk assessment after the rental lease to the lessee the use of objects. Throughout the lease period the lessee does not enjoy the right to use the title, and is responsible for repair and maintenance of leasing objects. The lessor's lease is good or bad thing without any liability, equipment depreciation in the tenant side.

2. Leveraged lease financing

Leveraged leasing practices similar to syndicated loans, is a specialized leasing to large-scale projects with the tax benefits of lease financing, mainly led by a leasing company as a trunk, and for the lease of a very large project financing. First set up a leasing company from the operation of the main institutions - a project-based fund management company set up projects to provide more than 20% of the total amount of funds, and the remaining part was the main source of funds banks and social absorb idle idle funds, the use of 100 percent enjoy low tax benefits "in the eight Bo" leverage for the leasing project large amount of funds. The remaining financing and leasing practices are basically the same, but because of the complexity of the contract covers a wide range and even greater. As can enjoy tax benefits, operating norms, comprehensive benefits, and recovery of rent safe, low-cost, and are generally used for aircraft, ships, communications equipment and large complete sets of equipment lease financing.

3. Commissioned by the Financial Leasing

Is a way to have the funds or equipment entrusted to non-bank financial institutions in the financing lease, the lessor is also the first client, the second is the trustee of the lessor at the same time. The lessor to accept the client's money or lease of the subject matter, according to the client's written by the client designated for the lessee of the leasing business. In the subject of the lease term lease of the property of the client, the lessor only charges, not to take risks. Such leasing commissioned a major characteristic is not to lease the right to operate the enterprise, "by the right" business. E-commerce is on the lease by lease rental as a business platform.

The second is the lessor or lessee commissioned by the lease purchase of a third person, the lessor under the contract to pay the purchase price, also known as commissioned by the lease purchase financing.

4. Project finance leasing

Lessee to project their own property and to ensure efficiency, and the lessor signed a finance lease contract, the lessor to the lessee of the property and other projects without recourse to the proceeds, we can only rent charged to the project's cash flow and profitability to determine. The seller (that is leasing goods manufacturers) through their holding leasing companies to promote their procts in this way, and expand market share. Communications equipment, medical equipment, transportation equipment, or even the right to operate highway can be used this way. Others, including the return of leasing, also known as sale and leaseback financing leasing; financing to leasing, also known as the financing to leasing.

[Edit] the risk of lease financing
Finance leases from the risk of many uncertain factors, is multifaceted and interrelated, in the full understanding of the operational activities of the characteristics of various risks can be comprehensive, scientific analysis of risks to formulate corresponding measures. The risk of financing leasing main categories as follows:

(1) proct market risks. In the market environment, regardless of the financing lease, loan or investment, as long as the funds used to purchase equipment or to carry out technological transformation, first of all, should consider leasing equipment procts market risks, which need to know to sell the procts, market share rate and occupancy, proct trends in the development of the market, the consumption structure and the mentality of the consumers and consumption capacity. If these factors are not fully understand, the survey are not careful, and may increase the market risk.

(2) financial risks. For the leasing of a financial nature, financial risks throughout the entire business activities. The lessor, the biggest risk is that the lessee is also rent capacity, it has a direct impact on the operation of leasing companies and survival, therefore, the risk of also rent from the project began, it should be cause for concern.

Currency also have risks, especially international payments, methods of payment, payment date, time, the remittance channels and means of payment options improperly, will increase the risk.

(3) Trade risk. For the leasing of a trade properties, the risks of trade negotiations to orders from the acceptance testing there is a risk. The merchandise trade in the modern development of a relatively complete, the community is also supporting the establishment of corresponding institutions and preventive measures, such as a letter of credit, transport insurance, commodity inspection, commercial arbitration and the risk of credit counseling have taken precautions and remedial measures, but because people's awareness and understanding of the risks of different degrees, and some means of a commercial nature, coupled with the inexperience of the management of enterprises and other factors, all of these instruments have not been used, making trade risk still exists.

(4) technical risks. One of the benefits of lease financing before other enterprises is the introction of advanced technology and equipment. In the actual course of the operation, or advanced technology, advanced technology is mature, mature technology for the legal rights and interests of others, is an important risk a technical reasons. Serious, e to technical problems so that equipment in a state of paralysis. Other risks include the economic environment, force majeure, and so on.

[Edit] the accounting treatment of lease financing
[Edit], the tenant on the accounting treatment of lease financing
1, the start of the lease accounting treatment

At the start of the lease, the tenant will usually be the start of the lease rental assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the lower of the two leased assets as recorded value of the minimum lease payments as a long-term payables recorded value, and the difference between the two records is not recognised financing costs. However, if the assets of the leasing assets of the enterprise small proportion of the total, the tenant may be the start of the lease in the minimum lease payment records of assets and long-term rent payments. This time, the "proportional" not usually refers to fixed assets financed by leasing the lessee total assets total less than 30% (including 30%). Under such circumstances, rent for the financing of long-term assets and the determination of the amount e, the tenant may, at its option, which can be used minimum lease payments, and can also be used leasing assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the two in the lower. Then what "leasing the original book value of assets" refers to the start of the lease rental, as reflected in the accounts, the book value of the leased asset.

Lessee in the calculation of the minimum lease payments at the current value, if the lessor that the interest rate implicit in the lease, the lessor should be used as the interest rate implicit in the discount rate, otherwise, shall be stipulated in the lease contract interest rate as the discount rate . If the lessor's interest rate implicit in the lease and rental rates stipulated in the contract are not available, it should be used over the same period interest rates on bank loans as the discount rate. Which is implicit in the lease rates, in the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments and the present value of the unsecured portion of the resial value of the current value of assets and equivalent to the original book value of the discount rate.

2, the initial direct costs of the accounting treatment

Initial direct costs refer to the lease negotiations and the signing of the lease agreement occurred in the course of the lease can be directly attributable to the cost of the project. Lessee in the initial direct costs usually have stamp ty, commission, attorney fees, travel expenses, such as the costs of negotiations. Lessee in the initial direct costs should be recognised as an expense in the current period. Accounts for its handling: debit "management fees" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.

3, no finance charge assessed

In the finance lease, the lessee to the lessor to pay the rent, include the repayment of principal and interest in two parts. Lessee to pay rent, on the one hand to rece long-term payables, on the other hand, while not confirmed by the leasing costs for a certain method to confirm the current financing costs, the first rent (that is, initially matching each rental payment) Under the circumstances, the lease term is the first phase of rent paid no interest, should only rece the long-term payments, not to confirm the current financing costs.

Not sharing in the finance costs, the lessee should be used to calculate certain way. According to the guidelines, the lessee can be used in real interest rates, the straight-line method can also be used and the number of years of combined law. In using the effective interest method, in accordance with the inception of the lease is a lease assets and liabilities are recorded based on the value of different financing costs assessment rate options are also different. No finance charge assessed specific divided into the following types:

(1), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments accounted for the present value of value to the investor and the interest rate implicit in the lease for the discount rate. Under such circumstances, investors should be the interest rate implicit in the lease for the assessment rate.

(2), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments for the present value of recorded value, and to lease contract provides for the interest rate as the discount rate. In such circumstances, should be stipulated in the lease contract as the rate of assessment rates.

(3), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist resial value guarantees and preferential purchase right to choose. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. Financing cost-sharing rate refers to the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments equal to the present value of lease assets in the original book value of the discount rate. In the lessee or related to the leased asset resial value of the third-party security situation, and the similar, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.

(4), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist guaranteed resial value, but there is preferential option to purchase. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. At the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.

(5), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset value accounted for, and the existence of the lessee guaranteed resial value.

Under such circumstances, the cost-sharing should be re-financing rate. Related to the lessee or third parties on the resial value of leased assets as security has been provided or not at the end of the lease renewal and to pay a penalty of circumstances, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to the guaranteed resial value, or to be paid by the breach.

Lessee shall pay each of the rent shall be the amount of rent paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," subjects, credited to "bank" subjects, if payment of rent, which includes compliance costs, At the same time debit should be "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects. At the same time should be recognized in accordance with the current amount of the finance charge, debit "financial costs" subjects, credited the "no finance charge" subjects.

4, the leased asset depreciation Provision

Tenants should finance the lessee Provision for depreciation of fixed assets, should address two main issues:

(1), depreciation policy

Provision for asset depreciation, lease, the tenant should be its own assets Provision line depreciation method. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset security has been provided, should be credited for the amount of depreciation on fixed assets, and the inception of the lease accounting resial value after decting the value of the balance. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset resial value of the security has been provided, the total amount of depreciation should be credited for the start of the lease value of fixed assets recorded.

(2), the depreciation period

Identify the leased asset depreciation period, should be in accordance with the lease contract. If reasonable certainty that the lessee at the end of the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset, the lessee can be identified with all of the assets of the remaining useful life, and should therefore be the start of the lease to lease the remaining useful life of assets as depreciation period; If you can not reasonably determine whether the lease to the lessee at the end of the lease ownership of the assets to be made to the lease period and the remaining useful life of the leased asset in the shorter of the two as the depreciation period.

5, the accounting treatment of compliance costs

Many types of compliance costs, rent for the financing of fixed assets improved expenditure, technical advice and service charges, fees should be increased staff training credited to the extension of sharing costs, debit "long-term prepaid expenses," and "accrued expenses" , "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects, the fixed assets regular maintenance, insurance, etc. can be directly charged to expense in the current period, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank deposits, "wait until the subjects.

6, or the accounting treatment of rent

Since the rent or the amount of uncertainty, unable to adopt a rational approach to its system for sharing, in the actual event, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.

7, at the end of the lease accounting treatment

At the end of lease, the tenant on the lease is usually the disposition of the assets of three circumstances:

(1), the return of the leased asset. Debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," and "accumulated depreciation" subjects, credited "fixed assets - fixed assets financed by leasing all" subjects.

(2), renewable lease concession assets. If the lessee to exercise the right to choose renewable concession, the lease shall be deemed to have been made the presence of the corresponding accounting treatment. If no expiry of renewal, to the lessor under the lease contract to pay a penalty, debit "operating expenses" subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.

(3), stay purchase the leased asset. In the lessee enjoy preferential purchase right to choose, purchase price paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance lease," credited "bank" and other subjects at the same time, will be fixed assets from "all fixed assets financed by leasing" Details Details of the other subjects into subjects.




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