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發布時間:2022-01-25 17:44:09

❶ 求英文酒店介紹 翻譯一下~~ THANK U


Tai Yi Hotel Cheng, according to the European concept of the design business to build a four-star hotel, is the most romantic and humanistic care of boutique hotels.
Thailand Plaza Hotel is located in Cheng, a gourmet's paradise - the sheep Shuhan West Line Road, the sheep were moving west food world, set in Sichuan restaurants epitomize the top brands.
Five-star hotel rooms by the configuration, are prepared by free ADSL broadband interface, the application of international fashion trends bathroom - shower and tub separated from the design, the concept of a more humane, sanitary ware in Europe and America use the same five-star hotel in the United States respected and Germany KOHLER bathroom GROHE brand. More types of suites with bath tubs and KOHLER surfing Turkey CALO dry sauna room, European-style single significantly distinguished.
Tai Yi Tea-storey 12-meter, all-glass building, enjoy the sunshine and flowers freehand, 12 luxury rooms, tea friends, chess leisure, constantly surprises, Fun for all.
Sichuan restaurant drunk on Hennessy Unique design with seamless open-air garden, good food, gourmet shops, enjoy the delicacy the world.

Sichuan House Hotel is the total Group's family of four-star hotel, located in Cheng City Center business district gold, transportation facilities, major shopping malls around the next, leisure shopping very convenient. Shuangliu International Airport Hotel from 18 kilometers, four kilometers from the railway station of Cheng, Cheng-Chongqing Expressway, starting from the station three kilometers away from the station as the starting point for cotton Highway 6 kilometers away from Cheng Sports Center football field 1 km.
The latest renovation in 1999 the hotel has 419 various types of rooms, free broadband Internet access in all rooms. Standard room size of 25 square meters. Room facilities, fresh and clean style, luxury and elegant.
Restaurant chefs authentic Sichuan, Guangdong, hauntingly food.

❷ 國旅(深圳)國際旅行社有限公司,有這家公司么靠譜不


❸ 韓劇《雙面女人》結局是什麼










❹ 那位朋友知道雲南的月餅好吃雲腿的




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