❶ 電影的英語簡介
The film tells an ideal story of friendship and return of prodigal people. After five years of hard working in the northwest, young farmer Root bagged with a saving of sixty thousand Yuan decides to go back to hometown to get married. During the long journey on the train that is full of thieves, rustic and naïve Root however chooses to believe that it is 「a world without thieves」.
2. <玉觀音>
Anxin is an anti drug enforcement agent, when she is preparing her wedding with Tiejun, she falls in love with another man, Maojie the passion between them grows vigorously. Unfortunately, Anxin quickly married Tiejun after discovering her pregnancy. Everything seems going fine then, but it is only the beginning of tragedy: Anxin meets Maojie again when disguising herself as a drug dealer, later she even becomes the witness against him which leads his family broken up. However, Mao』s lawyer exonerates Maojie after revealing the affairs between Mao and Anxin. Maojie determines to take revenge and the lovers become enemies……
安心是公安局緝毒大隊的偵察員,當他正准備和鐵軍結婚的時候,她與另外一個男人毛傑產生了愛慕之心,雙雙墜入愛河。當安心發現自己懷孕之後,她很快與鐵軍結了婚,婚後的生活和和美美,豈不知這只是悲劇的開始。在一次化裝偵察的過程中,安心再次遇見毛傑,作為證人的安心, 在法庭調查毛傑時,提供了毛傑的犯罪證明,毛傑的家庭也因此而支離破碎。後來,毛傑的律師在法庭的調查中揭露了毛傑與安心曾為戀人的關系,毛傑決心要報復安心,曾經自己的戀人,成了敵人……