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發布時間:2020-12-10 22:20:04

㈠ 幫忙翻譯一下關於股票的英文, Seth Klarman and Baupost are in the news lately regarding the CIT Grou

賽斯Klarman會出現在新聞和Baupost CIT集團公司最近關於(CIT)支持。雖然我沒有想鑽研細節,但我專會說,外面的機會欺詐屬轉移/運輸/其他一些離奇的破產判決處理救援融資,我就會買新的L + 1000貸款(3%)終日地板…特別是如果我得到一個5點貸款手續費。目前在灰色的市場(when-issued)是在104-105交易沒有費。 當我們還沒有討論Klarman或Baupost在過去的幾個月里,我想我將花一些時刻拉出一些更具教育性引用他的基金通過2004-2007字母(注:我沒有基金從2008年的信…只是部分被發布在最近一期的價值投資者有洞察力)。

㈡ 急求英文翻譯,在線等,重謝!

Byd company is a very outstanding private enterprises in China, its in the car instry and new energy instry has wide prospect of market. Since 2008, "god" shares after capturing byd buffett, byd inner investment value people exactly geometric became the focus of attention. This thesis mainly with intention to invest for the study, by the master of the value investment idea and buffett investment management, learn the knowledge of the respect, the investment value of byd anatomy of a degree. Have good managers, sustainable core competitive power, broad market prospect and have "safety margin" price is buffett in choose target company has consistently stressed. This thesis in three aspects of qualitative analysis is done before, on the basis of free cash flow with discount method for the first four aspects of the quantitative study. Valuations results indicate that the market value of the shares byd, there exist certain degree of undervalued. Finally on the problems facing byd to analyze whether, after can buy the bold judgment byd.

㈢ Valueing 在英文中有什麼含義嗎

valuing (一般動詞結尾是"e"時變成進行式時會去掉"e",如face/facing, trace/tracing)本來就是個詞,你只是把動內詞原態的"to value"變成進行式"valuing"而已了.容"valueing"加個e懂英文的人只會以為你水平低把"valuing"拼錯了而已.(實際上蠻經常發生的事情,不信你網路/谷歌看看).

㈣ 哪位英文高手幫我翻譯一段中文,小弟我萬分感激他(她)!

This paper was goes on the market in the company to the water transportation instry the far shipping limited liability company to make the investment analysis. The entire paper basis country macroscopic policy, the profession present situation and the prospect, company's microscopic aspect (for example achievement and financial condition analysis and so on) the far value investment did approximately to G in searched analyzes. The present paper for intends the value investor refers to!

㈤ 急!跪求英語文章的翻譯:Value Investing and Financial Statement Analysis

風險或錯誤定價的實證結果到目前為止支持認為,市場不完全信息的基本信號扣押。檢查的魯棒性,本研究f_score和風險,並研究了兩種風險的措施:B和總收益波動。我計算B的每月回報的前60個月前組合形成。使用返回的數據60個月減少樣本數從10,385到9672。我們看到的從面板一表10,f_score呈負相關,B為所有fiRMS,高BMfiRMS,和較低的BMfiRMS。所有fiRMS,一f_score 0組合有一個B的平均1.021,而f_score 3組合的平均B 0.920。此外,二ff分之間的平均B 0和3 f_score f_score顯著fi斜面。我衡量總收益波動對投資組合形成的前12個月的月度回報率的標准差。這減少了樣本數為10,268。結果在表10的B小組展示。所有fiRMS,高BMfiRMS,和較低的BMfiRMS,這f_評分是總收益波動率成反比關系。它似乎合理的結論,市場不完全信息的扣押基本信號由於f_score和風險之間的關系是不positive6。換句話說,這不是一個風險的看法,但一個錯誤的觀點,闡述了利用f_score投資策略獲得異常報酬。

㈥ 求一篇關於巴菲特品質的英文文章

Warren Edward Buffett (born August 30, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, United States) is an American investor, businessman, and philanthropist. He is one of the world's most successful investors and the largest shareholder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.[4] He was ranked by Forbes as the richest person in the world ring the first half of 2008, with an estimated net worth of $50.0 billion.[5] Often called the "Oracle of Omaha,"[6] or "the Sage of Omaha",[7] Buffett is noted for his adherence to the value investing philosophy and for his personal frugality despite his immense wealth.[8] His 2006 annual salary was about $100,000, which is vanishingly small compared to senior executive remuneration in comparable companies.[9] When Buffett spent $9.7 million[10] of Berkshire's funds on a private jet in 1989, he jokingly named it "The Indefensible" because of his past criticisms of such purchases by other CEOs.[11] He lives in the same house in the central Dundee neighborhood of Omaha that he bought in 1958 for $31,500, today valued at around $700,000.[12] Buffett also is a notable philanthropist. In 2006, he announced a plan to give away his fortune to charity, with 83% of it going to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.[13] In 2007, he was listed among Time's 100 Most Influential People in The World.[14] He also serves as a member of the board of trustees at Grinnell College.[15] 沃倫愛德華巴菲特(生於1930年8月30號在奧馬哈,內布拉斯加州,美國)是美國的投資者,商人和慈善家。他是世界上最成功的投資者和最大的股東和首席執行官的伯克希爾哈撒韋公司。 [ 4 ]他被評為福布斯作為全球首富,在2008年上半年,估計凈資產$ 50.0億美元。 [ 5 ]常被稱為「甲骨文的奧馬哈, 」 [ 6 ]或「奧馬哈聖人」 , [7 ]巴菲特指出,他堅持價值投資理念,並為他個人的節儉,盡管他的巨大財富。 [ 8 ]在2006年年度年薪約為100000 ,這是微乎其微相比,高層管理人員薪酬的可比公司。9 ]當巴菲特花九百七點〇 〇 〇萬美元[ 10 ]的Berkshire的資金,私人飛機在1989年,他開玩笑地命名為「站不住腳」 ,因為他過去的批評,這種采購的其它企業。 [10]的Berkshire的資金,私人飛機在1989年,他開玩笑地命名為「站不住腳」 ,因為他過去的批評,這種采購的其它企業。 [ 11 ]他住在同一家在附近的中央鄧迪奧馬哈,他於1958年購買的三點一五零萬美元,今天價值約七十○點○萬美元。。 [ 12 ]巴菲特也是一個值得注意的慈善家。 2006年,他宣布了一項計劃,以他的財產贈送給慈善機構,有83 %的去比爾和梅林達蓋茨基金會。 [ 13 ] 2007年,他被清單時間之間的100最具影響力的人物之一。 [ 14 ]他還擔任成員的董事會格林內爾學院。 [15]

㈦ 急!有沒英語專業的幫我翻譯下面的英文啊,萬分感激

- Methods are required for measuring the quantity and the quality of the output 測定輸出數量和質量所需的方法
- Set points and standards are needed with which the desired quality and quantity of the output can be compared unambiguously. 設定具體的點和標准有助於清晰地與輸出的期望數量和質量進行對比。
- Means are needed for controlling the process or its input in order to be able to adjust the output. 需要控制過程或輸入的方法以便可以調整輸出值。
As a building management system is in fact an information processing system, it should provide functions for data input, processing this data into information and get the results as output to the operator. 由於建築管理系統實際上是一種信息處理系統,這就應當為數據輸入提供一些功能,將數據處理為信息然後作為輸出結果提供給操作人員。
When we start considering energy conservation through building management we will examine all the facilities involved in meeting the above conditions. We have to achieve the desired output with the optimization of the equipments involved in giving us the necessary inputs. We will look at the available new control procts and improvements that might contribute to achieve our desired goal. 一旦我們通過建築管理開始考慮能源節約後,我們將會檢測牽涉到的所有設施。我們必須達到預期的輸出值,最大限度地利用有關設備為我們提供必要的輸入數據。我們將會看看那些可行的新控制產品和改良品,有助於我們達到預期目標。
Energy conservation begins with the basics like thermostats, valves, dampers etc in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system within a building. 能量節約從基本要素開始,如加熱、通風設備和空調系統的恆溫器、閥門、節氣閥等。
Before starting the exploration what automation can do we have to give attention in renovating and modernizing various parts and equipments. A constant flow of creativity and imagination must be directed to the task of energy management. We can begin immediate with some opportunities like:
- Cool the building at 24 deg, C when it is occupied and stop cooling when it is not occupied. 建築物氣流飽和時冷卻到24度,否則就停止冷卻。
- rece the outside air ventilation from the conventional 0.2 cfm per square feet to 5-10 cfm per person where safety is not compromised 將外部的空氣通風從常規的0.2風量每平方英尺減少到5-10風量每人,這樣就不會收到傷害。
- Change air filters on a regular schele to ensure maximum cooling or heating capacity 有規律地變換空氣濾清器以確保冷卻或加熱容量最大。
- Turn off non-critical exhaust fans so that cooled / heated air is not exhausted unnecessarily 關掉非急需的排風扇,這樣就不必消耗冷氣或熱氣。
- Rece domestic hot water temperatures, to a comfortable level 將家用熱水的溫度降低到舒適程度。
- Turn off lighting in unoccupied work areas, rece lighting in corridors, and stairways to 30 foot candles where safety rules are not disturbed. 關掉無人作業區的照明,將走廊、樓道的照明減少到30盞而不影響安全守則。

Besides, these simple adjustments just mentioned how shall we view the value of our investment of funds in energy conservation, versus the alternative possibilities. It takes money to make money so we have to invest money to save energy. To determine the real value of investment in energy conservation - four things must be considered : 除此之外,這些簡單的調整正好提到了我們如何看待能源節約投資方面的價值與相應可行性的對立關系。有投資才有收益,為此我們必須投資節約能源。要判定能量節約投資方面的真正價值,我們必須考慮以下4個因素:
- the cost of energy 能量成本
- the cost of implementing the energy management plan 執行能量管理計劃的代價
- occupant proctivity and 佔有人的生產效率
- payback 投資回報率
Honeywell with its 100 years of experience in controls is the pioneer to come up with various approaches to address the situation to achieve the goal of energy conservation, a challenging goal through very much realistic methods. Few of the approaches are: 霍尼韋爾100年控制領域的經驗為(後人)實現能量節約目標叫板現狀提出各種解決途徑起到了先鋒帶頭作用,這個富有挑戰性的目標需要通過十分切實可行的方法才可實現。鮮有的集中解決途徑是:
4.1 Selection of Equipments: 4.1 設備的篩選

㈧ 急求!一篇關於股票價值投資或投資風險方面的外文文獻翻譯!要中英文對照的,中文3000字以上外文10000字元


㈨ 投資學英文翻譯高手幫幫忙!急!

(一)E(r)= 0.15;標准差= 0.20(B)E(r)= =每股0.15;標准偏差
(三)E(r)=每股;標准差=每股(D)E(r)= 0.20;標准差= 0.15
80%的價值投資在一個風險資產和標准偏差的20%是____ %。
15。假設一個組合證券投資的三個。安全' '有預期回報的
組合___ %。

㈩ 秉承價值投資理念英文

With the faith of value investment



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